Rhino how to convert mesh stl to outlined pdf

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Thingiverse Velociraptor project

Note: This work only if you have Rhino and Adobe acrobat Pro installed on your computer.

For this example I used the stl files from this Thingiverse project: Velociraptor 3D puzzle

1. Import the stl file.

Choose file > import. Selct the file from your computer and click on 'Open'.

2 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

2. Tweak the import dialog if nessasery and click 'Ok'.

3 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

3. Make sure the top view port is selected by clicking on it (once).

4 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

4. In the menu: Curve > Curve from objects > Mesh outline.

Do this while your obejects are selected (highlighted in yellow).

5 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

5. Delete the original shapes.

Go to Edit > Selected objects > Invert. Then hit the delete button from your keyboard.

6 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

6. Select all your lines: [ctrl] + [A]

Were now ready for exporting...

7 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

5. In the menu: File > Export selected ...

8 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

6. Save your file as a PDF format. (export geometry only).

9 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

7. In this dialog you can tweak the PDF export settings.

Like setting the linewidth to o.o1 mm

10 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

8. Confirm location for saving the PDF on your computer.

11 tutorial img rhino convert mesh-stl-to pdf.jpg

9. And wait for your PDF to be done.

Now your can open your PDF in a program like inkscape. And prepare the design if nessasery (like offsetting lines for the lasercutter etc.)

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