User:Tankzter/getting started with programming arduino

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Starting with Arduino programming

Here is my start on arduino programming, I made this with a help of one of my best friends, and then remade it on my own.

Tip: if you are doing this first time, then pick an easier project that you can find in the arduino software library. or if using Sparkfun set like I did, go through the basic project provided by it.

The Wiring & board

The wiring is quite simple once you understand the connection layout on the breadboard and the pins on the arduino board

20161111 140349.jpg

The light detector and emitter!

This program uses a photo resistor (also known as light resistor) to control the led lights, the photo resistor detects the light and resists accordingly and then I have four Leds for the resisting output of the photo resistor

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The function

here you can see how it works. when I put my finger closer it blocks more light to the light detector

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The code

I used the Arduino program and here you can see the code. you can see the life feedback of the light resistor in the smaller window, the data goes from 0 to 5, (0 being total brightness and 5 darkness)
