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[[File:Fablab-reykjavik-inside.jpg|500px|thumb|right|FabLab Reykjavik photostream: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik] ]]
[[File:Fablab-reykjavik-inside.jpg|500px|thumb|right|FabLab Reykjavik photostream: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik] ]]
'''Fab Lab Reykjavik has movedǃ Follow updates on the [https://www.facebook.com/fablabreykjavik/ Facebook page]. '''
''' We expect be be ready for a opening party in September, and start with open hours again from October.'''

Fab Lab er stytting á „Fabrication Laboratory“ sem útleggja mætti sem „framleiðslurannsóknarstofu“(?). Markmiðið er að veita innblástur til nýsköpunar og kenna hvernig fara má frá hugmynd til fullbúinnar vöru með stafrænni framleiðslutækni, hvort sem það er frumgerð, listaverk eða önnur hönnun. Við vinnum á [[Fab_Lab_Reykjavík#Software|opnum hugbúnaði]] og búum yfir ýmislegum [[Fab_Lab_Reykjavík#Machines_/_Facilities|tækjum og aðstöðu]] til vinnu og smíði á hugmyndunum. Þar ámeðal eru leiserskeri, vínilskurður, þrívíddarprentun, stór CNC fræsari, mótun og steypun, og hönnun, smíði og forritun raftækja.
Fab Lab er stytting á „Fabrication Laboratory“ sem útleggja mætti sem „framleiðslurannsóknarstofu“(?). Markmiðið er að veita innblástur til nýsköpunar og kenna hvernig fara má frá hugmynd til fullbúinnar vöru með stafrænni framleiðslutækni, hvort sem það er frumgerð, listaverk eða önnur hönnun. Við vinnum á [[Fab_Lab_Reykjavík#Software|opnum hugbúnaði]] og búum yfir ýmislegum [[Fab_Lab_Reykjavík#Machines_/_Facilities|tækjum og aðstöðu]] til vinnu og smíði á hugmyndunum. Þar ámeðal eru leiserskeri, vínilskurður, þrívíddarprentun, stór CNC fræsari, mótun og steypun, og hönnun, smíði og forritun raftækja.

Fab Lab Reykjavík opnaði 24. janúar 2014 sem samstarfsverkefni [http://eldri.reykjavik.is Reykjavíkurborgar], [http://www.fb.is Fjölbrautaskólans í Breiðholti] og [http://nmi.is Nýsköpunarmiðstöðvar Íslands]
Fab Lab Reykjavík opnaði 24. janúar 2014 sem samstarfsverkefni [http://eldri.reykjavik.is Reykjavíkurborgar], [http://www.fb.is Fjölbrautaskólans í Breiðholti] og [http://nmi.is Nýsköpunarmiðstöðvar Íslands]

: 567 5522
: (+354) 567 5522
: reykjavik@fablab.is
: reykjavik@fablab.is
: Eddufelli 2, 111 Reykjavík
: Austurberg 5, 111 Reykjavík
:''(Athugið: Inngagnurinn að FabLab er við Drafnarfell, við hliðina á Wilsons Pizza og bakaríinu Korninu)''
;FabLab annarsstaðar á Netinu
;FabLab annarsstaðar á Netinu
: [https://www.facebook.com/fablabreykjavik/ FabLab Reykjavik á Facebook]
: [https://www.facebook.com/fablabreykjavik/ Fab Lab Reykjavík Facebook page]
: [https://secure.flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik/ Fablab Reykjavik á Flickr]
: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/fab.lab.kennsla Fab Lab kennsla Facebook group]
: [https://secure.flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik/ Fab Lab projects Flickr photo stream]
: [https://sites.google.com/site/fablabiceland/ Project idea's & documentation for teachers]

<html><div style="float:right; clear: both"><iframe width="600" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=-21.82709813117981%2C64.10038794055889%2C-21.820017099380493%2C64.10255293127244&amp;layer=mapnik&amp;marker=64.10147045697634%2C-21.82355761528015" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe><br/><small><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=64.10147&amp;mlon=-21.82356#map=18/64.10147/-21.82356">View Larger Map</a></small></div></html>
<html><div style="float:right; clear: both"><iframe width="600" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=-21.82709813117981%2C64.10038794055889%2C-21.820017099380493%2C64.10255293127244&amp;layer=mapnik&amp;marker=64.10147045697634%2C-21.82355761528015" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe><br/><small><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=64.10147&amp;mlon=-21.82356#map=18/64.10147/-21.82356">View Larger Map</a></small></div></html>

== Starfsfólk ==
* Bas Withagen
* Stefanía Kristinsdottir
* Linda Wanders
* Guðbjörg Ragnarsdóttir

== Opnunartímar ==
== Opnunartímar ==
<html><iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?showTitle=0&amp;showPrint=0&amp;showTabs=0&amp;showCalendars=0&amp;showTz=0&amp;mode=WEEK&amp;height=400&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;src=edeboe3a2rijsmef3kncvd2ooo%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%230D7813&amp;src=h03vc8anflt6pjar3irvofdruk%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%23A32929&amp;src=m3hnuctb5rc6s6ihr240am97h8%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%23B1440E&amp;ctz=Atlantic%2FReykjavik" style=" border-width:0 " width="800" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></html> <br />
<html><iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?showTitle=0&amp;showPrint=0&amp;showTabs=0&amp;showCalendars=0&amp;showTz=0&amp;mode=WEEK&amp;height=400&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;src=edeboe3a2rijsmef3kncvd2ooo%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%230D7813&amp;src=h03vc8anflt6pjar3irvofdruk%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%23A32929&amp;src=m3hnuctb5rc6s6ihr240am97h8%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%23B1440E&amp;ctz=Atlantic%2FReykjavik" style=" border-width:0 " width="800" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></html> <br />

=== Vinnustofur ===
Frá september verða í boði ýmsar vinnustofur. Nánari upplýsingar koma síðar...
== Teacher training ==
Every week we have training time reserved in our schedule for all teachers who want to learn how to Fab Lab.
; Planned Workshops
: new courses will start in Septemberː : follow our news [https://www.facebook.com/groups/fab.lab.kennsla/ fab lab kennsla facebook group].

== Vélar og aðstaða ==
== Vélar og aðstaða ==
Line 40: Line 57:
*1x [[Roland GX-24 CAMM-1]]
*1x [[Roland GX-24 CAMM-1]]

==== Screen printing ====
=== Heat press ===
- information to follow
==== Heat press ====
*1x [[Poli-Tape_PT-06]]
*1x [[Poli-Tape_PT-06]]

Line 54: Line 68:
'''Shopbot fræsarinn sker ekki málma''' <br>
'''Shopbot fræsarinn sker ekki málma''' <br>
Þótt Shopbot fræsarinn gæti skorið mýkri málma (látún og mýkri) er vélin ekki sett upp til að skera þá.
Þótt Shopbot fræsarinn gæti skorið mýkri málma (látún og mýkri) er vélin ekki sett upp til að skera þá.
'''Available Tools (from Onsrund)'''<br>
[https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=48-005 48-005], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=52-244BL 52-244BL], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=52-280 52-280], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=52-910 52-910], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=56-041 56-041], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=56-082 56-082]<br>
[https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=57-910 57-910], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=57-287 57-287], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=64-000 64-000], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=65-012 65-012], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=65-025 65-025], [https://www.onsrud.com/product/Item/m/itemDetail.html?itemId=77-102 77-102]

=== Þrívíddarskanni ===
=== Þrívíddarskanni ===
Line 60: Line 78:

=== Þrívíddarprentari ===
=== Þrívíddarprentari ===
*1x [[Makerbot_Replicator_2]]  
*1x <del>[[Makerbot_Replicator_2]]</del>  (out of order)
*1x [[Makerbot_Replicator_2X]]  
*1x <del>[[Makerbot_Replicator_2X]]</del>  (out of order)
*1x Flashforge (ABS pirnter)

=== Mótun og steyping ===
=== Mótun og steyping ===
- information to follow
We have a small stock from [http://www.smooth-on.com www.smooth-on.com]

=== Raftæki ===
=== Raftæki ===
Line 72: Line 91:
[[Electronics_workspace/Tools#Inspection and rework|Inspection and rework]]<br>
[[Electronics_workspace/Tools#Inspection and rework|Inspection and rework]]<br>
==== Components ====
[[Electronics inventory]]

=== Kennslustofa ===
=== Kennslustofa ===
* 14x tölvur með opnum hugbúnaði og Internetaðgangi
* 14x tölvur með opnum hugbúnaði og Internetaðgangi
* 1x kynningarútstöð með skjávarpa og hljóði
* 1x kynningarútstöð með skjávarpa og hljóði
== FabAcademy ==
The Fab Academy is a 5 month part-time course held at the same time in many Fab Lab around the world, starting each year in January. The program provides advanced instruction about rapid prototyping. Learning how to design, develop and build with digital fabrication techniques and electronica. Weekly classes are directed online in English, by Neil Gershenfeld (of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms) and supported by instructor in the local Fab Lab.
The Fab Academy is a fast paced. A hands-on learning experience where you plan and execute a new project each week. Each individual documents their progress of each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments. Progress towards the diploma is evaluated by the student’s acquired skills rather than time or credits.
;Read more ...
: [http://fabacademy.org/ http://fabacademy.org]
;Fab Academy archive (2009 - present)
: [http://www.fabacademy.org/archive/courses/index.html http://www.fabacademy.org/archive/courses/index.html]
;Questions and/or local signup can be directed to
: reykjavik@fablab.is
;class 2016 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/15/ Árni Jón Sigurjónsson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/215/ Halldór Berg Sæmundsson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/143/ Þorbjörn Þorgeirsson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/112/ Inger Le Gué-Pelt]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/272/ Haflidi Ásgeirsson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabreykjavik/students/331 Vilhjalmur Magnusson]
;class 2016 - Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabvestmannaeyjar/students/270/ Baldvin Búi Wernersson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabvestmannaeyjar/students/243 Arnar Sveinn Guðmundsson]
:  [http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabvestmannaeyjar/students/242/ Aron Máni Símonarson]
;class 2015 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/eu/students/kjartansdottir.skulina_hlif/index.html Skúlína Hlíf Kjartansdóttir]
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/eu/students/gunnarsson.thorarinn_b.b/index.html Þórarinn B.B Gunnarsson]
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/eu/students/hauksdottir.sigridur_helga/index.html Sigridur Helga Hauksdottir]
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/eu/students/oskarsdottir.margret/index.html Margret Oskarsdottir]
;class 2014 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2014/students/wanders.linda Linda Wanders]
:  [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2014/students/oami.takuma/ Takuma Oami]
== Internship ==
Each semester Fab Lab Reykjavik can accept interns, of all experience levels and backgrounds. We can host training to a maximum of 2 participants at the same time. We are not able to give compensation for the works hours. And if you are a international student, you need to arrange your own housing for the duration of the stay. We require a minimum time commitment of 3 days per week throughout a scheduled time from 3 - 6 month. In return you will be getting full access to the Fab Lab & the equipment and you will get training and mentoring from us.
'''If you are interested in this experience, please send an motivational letter to reykjavik@fablab.is'''
;What we offer
:  Introduction and training to different digital fabrication and prototyping methods with our equipment
:  Access to our machines (3D printers, vinyl cutter, lasers, electronics station and a large format milling machine)
:  The opportunity to design and build your own project
:  We provide all the tea & coffee you can drink. ;)
:  Upon request, it is possible plan a multiple day visit to one of the rural located Fab Lab's in Iceland.
;What we expect from you
:  Assisting in scheduled Fab Lab events/workshops and during public open hours (8 hours per week)
:  Commitment to build (and document) your own project when you're in the lab
:  Commitment to help develop one aspect of the Lab's core functions (business, marketing, design, educational field)
:  Spend 3 - 5 days a week in the lab
:  To have basic knowledge of 2D/3D digital design techniques or digital fabrication experience.
;students at Fab Lab Reykjavik, february - april 2016
:  [[User:Markohietala|Marko Hietala, Ancient Handcrafts Artisan - Finland]]
:  [[User:Sirja|Sirja Valtanen, Textile Artisan - Finland]]
:  [[User:Henna|Henna Jokinen, Clothing Artisan - Finland]]

== Hugbúnaður ==
== Hugbúnaður ==
*[[Fab modules]]
available on the computers in our Fab Lab
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIMP GIMP]
;2D drawing
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SketchUp Sketchup]
[http://www.inkscape.org/ Inkscape], [https://www.gimp.org/ GIMP]
;3D drawing
[http://www.sketchup.com/ Sketchup], [https://www.blender.org/ Blender], [http://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/try-buy Fusion360]
*[http://pixologic.com/sculptris/ Sculptris]
*[http://123dapp.com/ 123D catch]
;3D scanning
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros_3D Rhino]
[http://123dapp.com/ 123D catch], [https://memento.autodesk.com/about Memento]
*[https://tinkercad.com Tinkercad]
:  [http://fabmodules.org/ Fab modules], [http://www.meshmixer.com/ Meshmixer], [http://www.123dapp.com/make 123D make]
:  [https://www.rhino3d.com/ Rhino], [http://www.vectric.com/products/vcarve/trial.html V-Carve/PartWorks]
[http://www.cadsoftusa.com/ Eagle cadsoft], [https://www.arduino.cc/ Arduino]
[https://tinkercad.com Tinkercad], [https://scratch.mit.edu/ Scratch]
== resources ==
;online databanks
: [https://www.thingiverse.com/ thingiverse], [http://obrary.com/products/living-hinge-patterns?variant=798259727 living hinge patterns],  [http://www.craftsmanspace.com/free-patterns http://www.craftsmanspace.com], [http://www.instructables.com/ instructables], [http://www.flexiblestream.org/project/50-digital-wood-joints digital woodjoints], [https://github.com/ github], [https://www.fablabs.io/projects fablabs.io/projects]
; online generator
: [http://www.makercase.com/ pressfit box generator], [http://blog.inventables.com/2014/11/snowflake-generator.html snowflake generator], [http://geargenerator.com/ gear generator]
; other startups / beta projects
: [http://flatfab.com/ flatfab.com], [http://www.smoothie-3d.com/site/page_index.php smoothie-3d.com], [http://www.mattermachine.com/ mattermachine.com], [http://www.123dapp.com/sandbox Autodesk Shapeshifter]

== FabAcademy ==
*FabLab Reykjavík: [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2014/students/wanders.linda Linda Wanders]
*FabLab Vestmannaeyjar: [http://fabacademy.org/archives/2014/students/oami.takuma/ Takuma Oami]

== Verkefni ==
== Verkefni ==
=== User project ===
*[[Laugargardur project]] | lasercutting  | ENG  | creating low budget promotion material for garden project
*[[Prentaður takki fyrir standborvél]] | 3D printer | IS | replacing broken switch of drillpress
*[[Svona geri ég]]  | 3D printer  |  ENG  |  artist creating sculpture for exposition

=== Student projects ===
;many project photo's are gathered onː [https://www.flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik/ flickr.com/fablab-reykjavik]
*[[Order to effect]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  |  cardboard decoration project for 'Design March'  
*[[Let%27s_Yellow|Let's Yellow]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  |  making a plexiglass 'poster'
*[[Hinn fínasti órói]]  |  lasercutting  |  IS  |  making a hanging mobile
:  [[Laugargardur project]] | lasercutting  | ENG  | creating low budget promotion material for garden project
*[[Hlekkur]]  |  shopbot  | IS  |  furniture clip prototyping
:  [[Prentaður takki fyrir standborvél]] | 3D printer | IS | replacing broken switch of drillpress
:  [[Svona geri ég]]  | 3D printer  |  ENG  |  artist creating sculpture for exposition
:  [[Lettering tool]]  |  lasercutter  |  ENG  |  teacher making a custom drawing tool for her students
:  [[Amulet]]  |  shopbot  |  ENG  |  milling in small pieces of wood
:  [[Model excavator]]  |  3D printer  |  ENG  |  handbuild model of an excavator
:  [[Christmas decoration]]  |  lasercutter  | ENG  | learning how to lasercut decorations
;Student projects
[[Order to effect]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  |  cardboard decoration project for 'Design March'  
[[Let%27s_Yellow|Let's Yellow]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  |  making a plexiglass 'poster'
[[Hinn fínasti órói]]  |  lasercutting  |  IS  |  making a hanging mobile
[[Hlekkur]]  |  shopbot  | IS  |  furniture clip prototyping
:  [[Scale model Bern Swizerland]]  |  lasercutting  |  ENG  | cardboard houses project
:  [[Furniture design class]]  |  shopbot  |  ENG  |  furniture design class

=== Project with tutorial ===
;Project with tutorial
*[[Lasercut linoleum stamps]] | lasercutting  | ENG  |  testing out linoleum setting for stamp making
[[Lasercut linoleum stamps]] | lasercutting  | ENG  |  testing out linoleum setting for stamp making
*[[3D printed phone case]] | 3D printer  |  ENG  |  designing a phone case cover  
[[3D printed phone case]] | 3D printer  |  ENG  |  designing a phone case cover  
*[[Sliced cardboard bunny]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  | making a cardboard bunny in 3D  
[[Sliced cardboard bunny]]  | lasercutting  | ENG  | making a cardboard bunny in 3D  
*[[Analog modular synthesizer panel]]  |  lasercutter  |  ENG  |  using paint to highlight engraving
[[Analog modular synthesizer panel]]  |  lasercutter  |  ENG  |  using paint to highlight engraving

=== Design developed in the lab ===
;Design developed in the lab
*[http://whalemobiles.com/ whalemobiles.com] | lasercutting  | ENG  | Tests new design functionality
[http://whalemobiles.com/ whalemobiles.com] | lasercutting  | ENG  | Tests new design functionality
*[http://borkurdesign.com/ Börkur Design] | lasercutting  | IS | Tests new designs before committing to production
[http://borkurdesign.com/ Börkur Design] | lasercutting  | IS | Tests new designs before committing to production

=== Project still in development ===
;Project still in development
*[[Automated central tire inflation system]]  |  PCB milling  |  ENG  |  student project at Reykjavik University
[[Automated central tire inflation system]]  |  PCB milling  |  ENG  |  student project at Reykjavik University
*[[HiKnitterStream]]  |  electronics  |  ENG  |  how to hack a knitting machine
[[HiKnitterStream]]  |  electronics  |  ENG  |  how to hack a knitting machine
*[[GuRa design]]  |  various |  ISK |  small diverse projects to learn new techniques  
[[GuRa design]]  |  various |  ISK |  small diverse projects to learn new techniques

=== Þróað í labbinu ===
*[http://whalemobiles.com/ whalemobiles.com] | lasercutting  | ENG  | Tested new design for a mobile
*[https://www.facebook.com/pages/B%C3%B6rkur-Kl%C3%A6%C3%B0ir-s%C3%ADmann-%C3%BEinn-betur/254834068007279 facebook - Börkur Design] | lasercutting  | IS | Tested new design for a phone case

== Myndbönd ==
*<video type="vimeo">44728448</video>
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zlp0g9Gcvg Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar]

== Hlekkir ==
== Hlekkir ==
Line 138: Line 249:
*[[FabWIKI_quick_start_guide| Quick start guide for adding project documentation on FabWIKI]]  
*[[FabWIKI_quick_start_guide| Quick start guide for adding project documentation on FabWIKI]]  
*[http://www.fabacademy.org/ FabAcademy]
*[http://www.fabacademy.org/ Fab Academy]
*[https://www.fab10.org FAB10 international conference]
*[http://fab12.fablabcon.net/ FAB12 international conference]
*[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AtIlZyLn99e6dGRleUJTY043a3FucUhFUVVBYTdxS3c&single=true&gid=0&output=html FabLab Inventory list]
*[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AtIlZyLn99e6dGRleUJTY043a3FucUhFUVVBYTdxS3c&single=true&gid=0&output=html FabLab Inventory list]
*[http://wiki.fablab.is/wiki/Fab_Lab/%C3%8Dslenska Íslenska gátt FabLab Kvikunnar]
*[http://wiki.fablab.is/wiki/Fab_Lab/%C3%8Dslenska WIKI Icelandic portal]

Latest revision as of 13:59, 6 October 2016

FabLab Reykjavik photostream: flickr.com/photos/fablab-reykjavik

Fab Lab Reykjavik has movedǃ Follow updates on the Facebook page.

We expect be be ready for a opening party in September, and start with open hours again from October.

Fab Lab er stytting á „Fabrication Laboratory“ sem útleggja mætti sem „framleiðslurannsóknarstofu“(?). Markmiðið er að veita innblástur til nýsköpunar og kenna hvernig fara má frá hugmynd til fullbúinnar vöru með stafrænni framleiðslutækni, hvort sem það er frumgerð, listaverk eða önnur hönnun. Við vinnum á opnum hugbúnaði og búum yfir ýmislegum tækjum og aðstöðu til vinnu og smíði á hugmyndunum. Þar ámeðal eru leiserskeri, vínilskurður, þrívíddarprentun, stór CNC fræsari, mótun og steypun, og hönnun, smíði og forritun raftækja.

Fab Lab Reykjavík opnaði 24. janúar 2014 sem samstarfsverkefni Reykjavíkurborgar, Fjölbrautaskólans í Breiðholti og Nýsköpunarmiðstöðvar Íslands

(+354) 567 5522
Austurberg 5, 111 Reykjavík

FabLab annarsstaðar á Netinu
Fab Lab Reykjavík Facebook page
Fab Lab kennsla Facebook group
Fab Lab projects Flickr photo stream
Project idea's & documentation for teachers

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Teacher training

Every week we have training time reserved in our schedule for all teachers who want to learn how to Fab Lab.

Planned Workshops
new courses will start in Septemberː : follow our news fab lab kennsla facebook group.

Vélar og aðstaða

Laser cutter


Heat press

Small milling machine

Big milling machine

Shopbot fræsarinn sker ekki málma
Þótt Shopbot fræsarinn gæti skorið mýkri málma (látún og mýkri) er vélin ekki sett upp til að skera þá.

Available Tools (from Onsrund)
48-005, 52-244BL, 52-280, 52-910, 56-041, 56-082
57-910, 57-287, 64-000, 65-012, 65-025, 77-102



Mótun og steyping

We have a small stock from www.smooth-on.com


Í FabLab Reykjavík er aðstaða til:
Inspection and rework


  • 14x tölvur með opnum hugbúnaði og Internetaðgangi
  • 1x kynningarútstöð með skjávarpa og hljóði


The Fab Academy is a 5 month part-time course held at the same time in many Fab Lab around the world, starting each year in January. The program provides advanced instruction about rapid prototyping. Learning how to design, develop and build with digital fabrication techniques and electronica. Weekly classes are directed online in English, by Neil Gershenfeld (of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms) and supported by instructor in the local Fab Lab.

The Fab Academy is a fast paced. A hands-on learning experience where you plan and execute a new project each week. Each individual documents their progress of each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments. Progress towards the diploma is evaluated by the student’s acquired skills rather than time or credits.

Read more ...
Fab Academy archive (2009 - present)
Questions and/or local signup can be directed to

class 2016 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
Árni Jón Sigurjónsson
Halldór Berg Sæmundsson
Þorbjörn Þorgeirsson
Inger Le Gué-Pelt
Haflidi Ásgeirsson
Vilhjalmur Magnusson
class 2016 - Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar
Baldvin Búi Wernersson
Arnar Sveinn Guðmundsson
Aron Máni Símonarson
class 2015 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
Skúlína Hlíf Kjartansdóttir
Þórarinn B.B Gunnarsson
Sigridur Helga Hauksdottir
Margret Oskarsdottir
class 2014 - Fab Lab Reykjavik
Linda Wanders
Takuma Oami


Each semester Fab Lab Reykjavik can accept interns, of all experience levels and backgrounds. We can host training to a maximum of 2 participants at the same time. We are not able to give compensation for the works hours. And if you are a international student, you need to arrange your own housing for the duration of the stay. We require a minimum time commitment of 3 days per week throughout a scheduled time from 3 - 6 month. In return you will be getting full access to the Fab Lab & the equipment and you will get training and mentoring from us.

If you are interested in this experience, please send an motivational letter to reykjavik@fablab.is

What we offer
Introduction and training to different digital fabrication and prototyping methods with our equipment
Access to our machines (3D printers, vinyl cutter, lasers, electronics station and a large format milling machine)
The opportunity to design and build your own project
We provide all the tea & coffee you can drink. ;)
Upon request, it is possible plan a multiple day visit to one of the rural located Fab Lab's in Iceland.
What we expect from you
Assisting in scheduled Fab Lab events/workshops and during public open hours (8 hours per week)
Commitment to build (and document) your own project when you're in the lab
Commitment to help develop one aspect of the Lab's core functions (business, marketing, design, educational field)
Spend 3 - 5 days a week in the lab
To have basic knowledge of 2D/3D digital design techniques or digital fabrication experience.

students at Fab Lab Reykjavik, february - april 2016
Marko Hietala, Ancient Handcrafts Artisan - Finland
Sirja Valtanen, Textile Artisan - Finland
Henna Jokinen, Clothing Artisan - Finland


available on the computers in our Fab Lab

2D drawing
Inkscape, GIMP
3D drawing
Sketchup, Blender, Fusion360
3D scanning
123D catch, Memento
Fab modules, Meshmixer, 123D make
Rhino, V-Carve/PartWorks
Eagle cadsoft, Arduino
Tinkercad, Scratch


online databanks
thingiverse, living hinge patterns, http://www.craftsmanspace.com, instructables, digital woodjoints, github, fablabs.io/projects
online generator
pressfit box generator, snowflake generator, gear generator
other startups / beta projects
flatfab.com, smoothie-3d.com, mattermachine.com, Autodesk Shapeshifter


many project photo's are gathered onː flickr.com/fablab-reykjavik

Laugargardur project | lasercutting | ENG | creating low budget promotion material for garden project
Prentaður takki fyrir standborvél | 3D printer | IS | replacing broken switch of drillpress
Svona geri ég | 3D printer | ENG | artist creating sculpture for exposition
Lettering tool | lasercutter | ENG | teacher making a custom drawing tool for her students
Amulet | shopbot | ENG | milling in small pieces of wood
Model excavator | 3D printer | ENG | handbuild model of an excavator
Christmas decoration | lasercutter | ENG | learning how to lasercut decorations
Student projects
Order to effect | lasercutting | ENG | cardboard decoration project for 'Design March'
Let's Yellow | lasercutting | ENG | making a plexiglass 'poster'
Hinn fínasti órói | lasercutting | IS | making a hanging mobile
Hlekkur | shopbot | IS | furniture clip prototyping
Scale model Bern Swizerland | lasercutting | ENG | cardboard houses project
Furniture design class | shopbot | ENG | furniture design class
Project with tutorial
Lasercut linoleum stamps | lasercutting | ENG | testing out linoleum setting for stamp making
3D printed phone case | 3D printer | ENG | designing a phone case cover
Sliced cardboard bunny | lasercutting | ENG | making a cardboard bunny in 3D
Analog modular synthesizer panel | lasercutter | ENG | using paint to highlight engraving
Design developed in the lab
whalemobiles.com | lasercutting | ENG | Tests new design functionality
Börkur Design | lasercutting | IS | Tests new designs before committing to production
Project still in development
Automated central tire inflation system | PCB milling | ENG | student project at Reykjavik University
HiKnitterStream | electronics | ENG | how to hack a knitting machine
GuRa design | various | ISK | small diverse projects to learn new techniques
