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| style="border-bottom: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; text-align: center; border-left: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-bottom: 0.2em; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); padding-left: 0.2em; padding-right: 0.2em; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 100%; border-top: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-top: 0.2em" class="MainPageBG" | The Labs Portal
| class="MainPageBG" style="border-bottom: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; text-align: center; border-left: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-bottom: 0.2em; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); padding-left: 0.2em; padding-right: 0.2em; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 100%; border-top: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-top: 0.2em" | The Labs Portal
| style="border-bottom: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; text-align: left; border-left: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-bottom: 0.2em; background-color: rgb(255,250,245); padding-left: 0.2em; padding-right: 0.2em; color: rgb(0,0,0); font-size: 100%; border-top: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-top: 0.2em" class="MainPageBG" | Labs are the physical container for machines and the workspaces for people and projects.
| class="MainPageBG" style="border-bottom: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; text-align: left; border-left: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-bottom: 0.2em; background-color: rgb(255,250,245); padding-left: 0.2em; padding-right: 0.2em; color: rgb(0,0,0); font-size: 100%; border-top: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; border-right: rgb(242,224,206) 1px solid; padding-top: 0.2em" | Labs are the physical container for machines and the workspaces for people and projects.

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| Marymount School Fab Lab  
| Marymount School Fab Lab  
| &nbsp; CCAC (for now)<br>
| Jaymes Dec, jdec@marymountnyc.org
| Jaymes Dec, jdec@marymountnyc.org

Revision as of 21:01, 13 November 2011

The Labs Portal
Labs are the physical container for machines and the workspaces for people and projects.

This list is user / community generated and maintained. If you don't see your lab listed here, it's because you haven't added it yet! You do not need permissions to add your lab to the list or to edit an entry. This is the place to add (coming) labs or labs that you might wonder if counts as a fablab.

Please indicate the status of your lab:

If you lab does not have a suitable website, you can generate an entry. Please use Category:Labs for any lab entries.

You are welcome AND ENCOURAGED to make the list better organized and more readable. But please don't mess with the conformity rating just now.

Country State/Province/City Location Website Status or
or rating
Contact information
Afghanistan Nangarhar Jalalabad Fab Lab Jalalabad AAAB+ email to arrange
Afghanistan Herat Herat City   planning amy@fabfolk
Austria Vienna Happylab - Vienna Fab Lab http://www.happylab.at, happylab@innoc.at AAAB every Wednesday "Happy Evening" starting at 18:00
Belgium Gent Timelab http://www.timelab.org/ BCAC
Belgium Leuven FabLab Leuven http://fablab-leuven.be/ ABBA
Canada Vancouver, British Columbia Science World www.scienceworld.ca planned adidow@scienceworld.ca
Costa Rica Cartago Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica
Colombia Medellin Fab Lab Colombia http://www.fablabcolombia.com/
France Cergy-Pontoise Fab Lab Paris / Cergy-Pontoise http://www.laforgedespossibles.org AABB Opens in Sept. 2011, provides official trainings and diplomas
France Grenoble hosted by CCSTI http://www.ccsti-grenoble.org/ planned  
France Lille FabLab Lille http://www.fablablille.fr ABCC [info@fablablille.fr]
France Nancy, Lorraine NYBI.CC location www.nybi.cc AACB Plublic opening every Wednesday 20:00-21:00. Email us to arrange visit outside of this time frame: association@nybi.cc
France Nancy, Lorraine School: ENSGSI; GSI-Lab: location emmanuel.gilloz@ensgsi.inpl-nancy.fr CBBB Email to arrange visit, during school hours and school days.
France Nantes Ping  http://fablab.pingbase.net
AABA fablab@pingbase.net
France Toulouse Artilect Fab Lab Toulouse http://www.artilect.fr ABAB [lassabe@artilect.fr]
France Vannes-le-châtel+Pantin CERFAV European Center for Research and Training in Glass - FabLab for Glassworks   BBBC Mon-Fri from 08:00-12:00,13:00-16:00 contact philippe.garenc@cerfav.fr for larger projects
Germany Aachen Fab Lab Aachen http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de AAAA Operational. Opened December 2009, hosted by RWTH Aachen University. Free and open access every Tuesday, sign up for a time slot at http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de to visit, or come to the local Dorkbot meeting on the third Wednesday evening of each month.
Germany Berlin Open Design City   CBCC
Germany Potsdam Fab Lab Potsdam http://www.wissenschaftsladen-potsdam.de/ under development (integrated in the open factory werkhaus potsdam and the subculture project freiland. more information are announced via the science shop potsdam website)
Germany Bremen FabLab Bremen Initiative http://fablabbremen.de/ under development
Germany Hamburg St. Pauli Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli http://fablab-hamburg.org/ AACB Fab Lab Initiative, currently in a temporary room. The Lab is open at least one or two days per week for everyone. The dates are announced via website/newsletter/facebook/twitter.
Germany Köln DingFabrik Köln e.V.    ???
Germany München FabLab München e.V. http://www.fablab-muenchen.de/ BBBB Just opened, still missing a shopbot. Open to members (anyone can join) or to the public (for a small fee) at special times (check the web site)
Germany Nürnberg Fab Lab Region Nürnberg e.V. http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de

At the moment we can be found at Co-Working Nürnberg

AACA In Beta-operation with a limited but mobile Pop-up-FabLab-in-a-Box (laser cutter, vinyl cutter, t-shirt press, basic electronics).

Open Lab Saturdays 14:00-20:00 (please join our mailinglist for last minute news and updates).
Ghana Sekondi-Takoradi; Takoradi Technical Institute    ???
Hungary Budapest Fab Lab Budapest http://fablab.hu AABB Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat 12-6pm contact info@fablabbudapest.com
Iceland Akranes Fab Lab Akranes http://fablabakranes.is/  ??? Mon-Fri from 08:00-12:00,13:00-16:00 contact info@fablabakranes.is for larger projects
Iceland Sauðárkrókur Fab Lab á Sauðárkróki    ???
Iceland Vestmannaeyjar Innovation Center Iceland www.fablab.is; AAAB+
India Ahmedabad National Innovation Foundation    ???
India Delhi Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology    ???
India Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur    ???
India Pune COEP FAB LAB College of Engineering, Pune    ???
Italy Turin Fablab Italia http://www.fablabitalia.it

Open since April 2011:

Tue - Fri: 10.00 - 18.00 / Sat: 10.00 - 20.00 / Sun: 10.00 - 18.00

Please write at fablabitalia@gmail.com or call +39 335 5480714

Italy Milan Frankenstein Garage  - FabLab Milano
http://www.frankensteingarage.it/ BACC

Office opened since 14th september 2011 - MM2 SestoMarelli - Lab planned (Fall 2011).

contact: info@frankensteingarage.it

mobile: +39 334 9603661

Japan Kamakura FabLab Kamakura, Kanagawa http://fablabjapan.org/kamakura/ OPEN (saturday);
Japan Tsukuba FPGA Cafe/ FabLab Tsukuba http://www.fpga-cafe.com/ OPEN (sunday);
Kenya Kisumu ARO Fablab http://www.fablab.co.ke/  ???
Kenya Nairobi University of Nairobi    ???
Netherlands Amersfoort FabLab Amersfoort http://fablabamersfoort.nl/ AAAA info@fablabamersfoort.nl
Stay-over: Yes.
Netherlands Amsterdam Waag Society http://amsterdam.fablab.nl/ AAAA
Netherlands Arnhem FabLab Arnhem http://www.fablabarnhem.nl/ BAAA
Netherlands Eindhoven De Factorij



Netherlands Enschede Enschede http://www.fablabenschede.nl/ AABA
Netherlands   FabLabTruck (mobile) http://fablabtruck.nl/ AAAA
Netherlands Groningen FabLab Groningen http://www.fablabgroningen.nl/ AAAA
Netherlands The Hague CabFabLab http://denhaag.fablab.nl/ BAAA
Netherlands Maastricht FabLab Zuid-Limburg http://fablabzuidlimburg.nl/ BAAA
Netherlands Rotterdam Rotterdam http://stadslab7.hr.nl AABA contact trox@fabfolk.com for the time being
Netherlands Utrecht ProtoSpace http://protospace.nl AAAA just drop in: every Tuesday 13.30-16.30,
Thursday 9.30-16.30
Netherlands Utrecht Mini FabLab http://minifablab.nl ABCB mail bart-at-minifablab.nl
Stay-over: Yes, sleeps 2
Norway Hoylandet Kommune Fab Lab Hoylandet http://www.visitfablab.no/  ???
Norway Lyngen MIT-Fablab at Solvik Gard MIT-Fablab Norway AAAA just drop in!
Peru Lima Fab Lab Lima, National University of Engineering    ???
Russia Moscow MHTCh FabLab  
Russia St Petersburg St Petersburg  
Spain Barcelona Fab Lab Bcn, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia   BAAA
Spain Bermeo DenokInn    ???
Spain Sevilla Fab Lab Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Universidad de Sevilla; geolocation: 37.362466,-5.987023 http://htca.us.es/blogs/talleresfablab AAB+A Open monday to friday 9:00 to 15:00. Other times by appointment. (August closed). Mail contact: fablab at us dot es; perezdelama at us dot es; mgr at us dot es; phone contact: [34] 954 556 932
South Africa Bloemfontein Central University of Technology   AAAC
South Africa Cape Town Fab Lab at Cape Craft and Design Institute (Host Institution) http:/www.ccdi.org.za/ http://www.fablab.co.za ABBB Consultations and use of the facility by appointment. Contact productsupport@ccdi.org.za
South Africa Kimberly Northern Cape Higher Education Institute (Host Institution) http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Just drop in
South Africa Potchefstroom North West University (Host Institution) http://www.fablab.co.za AABB  
South Africa Soshanguve Bright Youth Council (Host Institution) http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Use of facility by appointment
South Africa Limpopo Limpopo Tooling Initiative (Host Institution) http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Just drop in
South Africa Thokoza Siyafunda Community Technology Centre (Host Institution) http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Planned
Switzerland Luzern Luzern http://luzern.fablab.ch

roman.jurt <at> fablab.ch

ABAA free on Wed pm;
open Tue 13-17, Wed 13-17, Thur 13-17h and by appointment
Switzerland Geneva TECFA (EduTech) unit, University of Geneva Fab lab TECFA CCBB
Switzerland Neuchatel Neuchatel   in development
Switzerland Bern FabLab Switzerland   planned
United Kingdom Doncaster Fablab Doncaster with education centre http://fablabdoncaster.org under development
United Kingdom Manchester Fab Lab Manchester delivered by The Manufacturing Institute   AAAA
United States California, Palo Alto Stanford Learning FabLab    ???
United States California, San Diego FabLabSD    ???
United States District of Columbia MIT CBA Mobile fab lab at North Cap    ???
United States Florida, Sarasota G.WIZ - The Science Museum - Faulhaber Fab Lab    ???
United States Florida A2 Fab Lab, University of Florida http://arts.ufl.edu/aafablab/ CCCC
United States Georgia, Savannah Savannah College of Art and Design    ???
United States Illinois, Chicago (Museum of Science and Industry)    ????
United States Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab mercedes dot mane at gmail dot com AABA Thursday 4-9 pm, Sunday 12-6 pm
United States Kansas, Overland Park Center For Advanced Professional Studies   CBAC open during school hrs and school days
United States Maine, Deer Isle Haystack Mountain School of Crafts http://www.haystack-mtn.org  ??? Contact Haystack
United States Maryland, Catonsville Community College of Baltimore County - Catonsville    ???
United States Massachusetts, Boston South End Technology Center   AAAA see website for open access hours
United States Massachusetts, Roxbury The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project (The TIE Project) TheTIEProject.org Donalyn Stephenson donalyn@thetieproject.org, Makeda Stephenson makeda@thetieproject.org In development, temporarily open. ABBA
United States Michigan, Ann Arbor Taubman College Digital Fab Lab    ???
United States Michigan, Detroit Incite Focus Fab Lab http://www.incite-focus.org AAAB
United States Michigan, Detroit Mt Elliott Makerspace http://mtelliottmakerspace.com  ???
United States Michigan, Flint Mott Community College Fab Lab http://mcc.edu/FABlab AAAB Check with lab
United States Michigan, Niles Lake Michigan College - Bertrand Crossing Fab Lab    ???
United States Michigan, Southfield makeLab (Lawrence Technological University) http://make-lab.org  ???
United States Minnesota, White Bear Lake Century Community and Technical College    ???
United States Missouri, Kansas City Metropolitan Community College http://mcckc.edu/FabLab ABCC
United States New Mexico, Albuquerque Fablab ABQ    ???
United States New York, New York Marymount School Fab Lab     CCAC (for now)
Jaymes Dec, jdec@marymountnyc.org

United States

New York, South Bronx Sustainable South Bronx    ???
United States North Carolina, Durham Fab Labs Carolinas, A project of the Piedmont Conservation Council http://fablabscarolinas.org/  ???  
United States Ohio, Cincinnati University of Cincinnati DAAP Rapid Prototyping Center    ???
United States Ohio, Cleveland MC2STEM HS's Mobile Lab, at the Great Lakes Science Center [1]  ???
United States Ohio, East Cleveland MC2STEM High School, GE Nela Park    ???
United States Ohio, Elyria Lorain County Community College http://www.lorainccc.edu/fab AAAA
United States Ohio, Milan EHOVE Career Center Fab Lab http://www.ehove.net/fablab AAAB Lab just opened.  Public hours coming soon.  Please stop by and check out our new lab.  We love to have visitors.  For questions contact: Dave Jenkins  djenkins@ehove.net
United States Oklahoma, Tulsa Fab Lab Tulsa http://fablabtulsa.org/ AAAB We love visitors! Come see us in Tulsa, OK USA. For more details see our website.
United States Rhode Island, Providence AS220    ???
United States Texas, Austin Fab Lab ATX http://fablabatx.com/ ABBB
United States Wisconsin, Appleton Fox Valley Technical College Program Lab http://www.fvtc.edu/fablab Steve Gallagher fablab@fvtc.edu Open
United States Wisconsin, Oshkosh Fox Valley Technical College Program Lab http://www.fvtc.edu/fablab Terry Linson Open
United States Wisconsin, Menomonie University of Wisconsin–Stout