
From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
Revision as of 17:28, 11 October 2016 by ViddiGTO (talk | contribs)
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File:Viðar Photo.jpg
Viðar Már Ólafsson

Hello! I am Viðar. I, along with my friends Birkir and Tómas am currently an intern in FabLab Reykjavik I will be here for one semester in my school Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti where I study electronics. My goal is to be a mechanical engineer and I look forward to honing my skills in 3D modeling and mechanical structuring.


Getting back into gear

Time At Fablab

Date time Tasks Project
04/10/2016 14.30 - 18.00 None leaning inkscape - drawing up inlay design for laser cutter + received instruction laser
07/10/2016 15.00 - 17.30 Assisting with vinyl cutting during kids workshop leaning inkscape - drawing up multicolored design for vinyl cutter + received instruction vinyl cutting.
11/10/2016 14.30 - 18.00 creating a Wiki.