
From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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The Labs Portal
Labs are the physical container for machines and the workspaces for people and projects.

The list below is user / community generated and maintained. If you don't see your lab listed here, it's because you haven't added it yet! You do not need permissions to add your lab to the list or to edit an entry. This is the place to add (coming) labs or labs that you might wonder if counts as a fablab.

Please indicate the status of your lab:

This rating is based on the Conditions for Fab Lab label

If your lab does not have a suitable website, you can generate an entry. Please use Category:Labs for any lab entries.

You are welcome AND ENCOURAGED to make the list better organized and more readable.

But please don't mess with the conformity rating just now.

Last not least: do use the summary field at the bottom of the edit page to give ...err... a summary of what you changed, e.g. "added FabLab on Mars in planning". Thanks! This helps us reading the history of this page.

For a list of Fab Lab Networks and national Fab Lab organisations, check Portal:Organizations


Here is a map generated from the list, using Morph.io (successor to scraperwiki), Leaflet and OpenStreetMap, created by Peter Uithoven, Fablab Amersfoort, further developed by ClemClem, LimouziLab, ported to Morph.io and updated by Bas Withagen, Fab Lab Reykjavik. We have now embedded the map below.

Continent Country City Name Websites (Main, Social Network, Documentation) Self-assessed Label Contact information Spoken languages Comments / Others Informations / Phone Number
Africa Benin Porto-Novo Centre Songhaï http://www.songhai.org under development
Africa Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Ouaga Fablab http://ouagalab.info / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ouaga-FabLabs/159514010814943 facebook page AACB Gildasguiella@yahoo.fr
Africa Egypt Gizah Fab Lab Egypt http://www.fablab-egypt.org/ Open access fablabegypt@gmail.com
Africa Ghana Sekondi-Takoradi Takoradi Technical Institute ????
Africa Kenya Kisumu ARO Fablab http://www.fablab.co.ke/ ????
Africa Kenya Nairobi University of Nairobi ????
Africa Senegal Dakar Defko Ak Ñiëp http://fablab.ker-thiossane.org We're open since March 2014. AABB. kerthiossane@gmail.com English French Wolof Defko Ak Ñiëp is located in the Jet d'eau area, Dakar, next to a garden of resistance still to come. It aims at developing free electronics, textile and woodwork, as well as a base for urban gardening, seeding, irrigation. Opening March 2014.
Africa Tunisia Tunis FabLab Tunisia [http://www.fablabtunisia.com Under construction Under development. m.bibi@fablabtunisia.com English French Arabic FabLab Tunisia will be an open access workshop at least one or two days per week for everyone.
Asia China Guiyang Digital Craft http://digitalcraft.cc under development info@digitalcraft.cc Chinese, English
Asia Afghanistan Herat Herat City planning amy@fabfolk.com
Asia Kuwait Kuwait City Qadsiyah Sabah Alahmad center for giftedness and creativity http://sacgc.org/index.php/en/ instgram+twitter+facebook: fablabq8 AAAA fablabq8@gmail.com English and Arabic
Asia Kuwait Jahra MINIFabLab under development + in corp with FabLabQ8 AAAC
Africa Mali Bamako ANPE http://www.anpe-mali.org/ planned
Africa Namibia Windhoek Windhoek Under development Bjorn and Kirstin Wiedow - fablabnamibia@gmail.com (launched July 2012)
Africa Senegal Dakar Jokkofablab http://jokkofablab.wordpress.com/ AACB ksy@jokkolabs.net - awalayes@yahoo.fr FR
Africa South Africa Bloemfontein Central University of Technology AAAC
Africa South Africa Cape Town Fab Lab at Cape Craft and Design Institute (Host Institution) http:/www.ccdi.org.za/ http://www.fablab.co.za ABBB productsupport@ccdi.org.za Consultations and use of the facility by appointment
Africa South Africa Pretoria The Innovation Hub FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za Planned Just drop in -(AAAA)
Africa South Africa Kimberly Northern Cape Higher Education Institute FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Just drop in
Africa South Africa Potchefstroom North West University FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za AABB
Africa South Africa Sedibeng Sedibeng Municipality FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za Planned (AAAC) - Just drop in
Africa South Africa Soshanguve Bright Youth Council FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Use of facility by appointment
Africa South Africa Limpopo Limpopo Tooling Initiative FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Just drop in
Africa South Africa Thokoza Siyafunda Community Technology Centre FabLab http://www.fablab.co.za AAAB Completed- Official Launch Aug/ Sep 2012
Africa Tunisia ENIT, Rue Béchir Salem Belkhiria, Campus El Manar, Tunis FabLab ENIT https://www.facebook.com/FabLabENIT Under development fablab.enit.contact@gmail.com Arabic, French, English Hosted by the National Engineering School of Tunis, website under construction
Africa Togo Lomé Wɔɛ.lab http://www.wlab.weebly.com AACB vonb1@hotmail.fr FR Tuesday; Thursday: 14.30-19.30
Asia Afghanistan Nangarhar Jalalabad Fab Lab Jalalabad AAAB+ email to arrange
Asia India Ahmedabad National Innovation Foundation ????
Asia India Delhi Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology ?????
Asia India Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur ????
Asia India Pune COEP FAB LAB College of Engineering, Pune ????
Asia Japan Kamakura FabLab Kamakura, Kanagawa http://fablabjapan.org/kamakura/ ???? JP OPEN (saturday);
Asia Japan Tsukuba FPGA-CAFE/FabLab Tsukuba http://fpgacafe.com/ AABB susu@fpgacafe.com JP OPEN (Sunday);
Asia Japan Oita FabLab Oita http://www.faboita.org https://www.facebook.com/faboita AABB info@faboita.org Japanese, English Open Friday and Saturday, closed Sunday and Monday, other days are available by appointment.
Asia Saudia Arabia Riyadh AbuBaker Street Professional land under development + in corp with FabLabQ8 AAAB EN AR +966546684416 +966554055226 instgram+twitter: FablabKSA
Asia Saudi Arabia Dhahran KFUPM http://www.saudiaramco.com/ under development ...Soon (Nov 2013) [1] Ar, En
Asia South Korea Seoul TIDE Fab Lab Seoul http://www.fablab-seoul.org/ under development fablab@tideinstitute.org Kor, EN Jangsadong 116-4, Sewoon Sang-ga #554, Jong-Ro_Gu, Seoul, Korea +82 222680015
Asia Indonesia Yogyakarta, Java HONF House of Natural Fiber http://www.honfablab.org AABB Open since 29th of July 2011
Asia Taiwan Taipei Fablab Taipei http://fablabtaipei.org https://www.facebook.com/FablabTPE https://www.facebook.com/groups/fablabtaipei/ AABB info@fablabtaipei.org CH, EN Opened every Friday,Saturday, other days by appointment
Asia Taiwan Taipei Fablab Dynamic https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fablab-Taiwan/532700190113349 http://www.fablabtaiwan.org.tw under development https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fablab-Taiwan/532700190113349 http://www.fablabtaiwan.org.tw CH, EN Digital Art Center,Taipei Address:No.180, Fuhua Rd., Shihlin Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
Asia Taiwan Changhua Fablab Ninja https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fablab-Ninja/1475878729355336?skip_nax_wizard=true&ref_type Planned CH,EN No.563, Sheng’an Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County 500, Taiwan
Asia Taiwan Tainan Fablab Tainan https://www.facebook.com/groups/fablabtainan/ under development https://www.facebook.com/groups/fablabtainan/ CH, EN PunPlace,Tainan Address:No.21, Nanmen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 700, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Asia Turkey Istanbul Cibali, Istanbul fablabist.com Under Development cemre@teknolab.org TR/EN/ (website under construction)
Asia Turkey Istanbul Camlica, Uskudar fablabistanbul.com under development furkan@fablabistanbul.com TR/EN (website under construction)
Asia Vietnam Hué Maison des savoirs http://mdshue.blogspot.fr/ planned chaovien@yahoo.fr FR VI
Oceania Australia Adelaide Australian Network for Art and Technology under development karen@anat.org.au English
Oceania Australia Brisbane Fab Lab Brisbane http://edgeqld.org.au Planned daniel.flood@slq.qld.gov.au - annika.shelley@slq.qld.gov.au The Edge, State Library of Queensland
Oceania Australia Geelong FAB Lab Victoria (address TBC) Planned Contact:(0061) (3) 0412 752 596 for further info
Oceania Australia Perth FabLab WA @ Challenger Institute of Technology, Beaconsfield Under Development daniel.harmsworth@challenger.wa.edu.au
Oceania Australia Cabooltuure Queensland CabFabLab c/o, www.pozieresprinting.com.au/cabfablab-1/ BABB andrew@pozieresprinting.com.au En Open 12 Jan 2013 Every Friday (1600 to 2000) Every Saturday (0900 to 1600) Pozieres Printing, Unit 7, Axis Industrial Park, 11 Pasturage Road
Carribean Martinique Martinique FabLab-Martinique https://www.facebook.com/fablab.martinique Under development Pierre BORDERES & Marc-André BISQWAIT Francais - Créole À l'initiative de l'association ELC-Martinique
Carribean Guadeloupe Jarry Le FabLab de Jarry http://www.lefablabdejarry.com AAAA kurt@lefablabdejarry.com English and French +590.690.55.92.40
Europe Austria Graz FABLab Graz http://fablab.tugraz.at AABB fablab@tugraz.at DE/AT Graz University of Technology - , every Tuesday (13:00 - 18:00)
Europe Austria Vienna Happylab http://www.happylab.at BAAB happylab@innoc.at DE/AT Vienna Fab Lab - , every Wednesday Open Lab (18:00 - 22:00)
Europe Belgium Brussels FabLab.iMAL http://www.imal.org/fablab BABB fablab@imal.org BE Center for Digital Cultures and Technology - Every Wednesday 10:00-18:00 / Every Thursday 18:30-22:00 / More info
Europe Belgium Brussels OpenFab http://www.openfab.be AABB contact@openfab.be FR/EN More info
Europe Belgium Gent Timelab http://www.timelab.org/ BCAC
Europe Belgium Kortrijk BUDA::lab http://www.budalab.be BAAC pieter@budalab.be mondays till fridays 9h30-17 / On monday,tuesday,thursday & friday till 21h / Sundays 13h-17h
Europe Belgium Leuven FabLab Leuven http://fablab-leuven.be/ ABBA
Europe Belgium Liège RElab http://relab.be/ AABC info@relab.be Every Saturday 10:00-18:00
Europe Belgium Genk FabLab Genk http://fablabgenk.be/ AABA Every Wednesday 10:00-12:00 / Every Thursday 10:00-17:00 / Every Friday 10:00-17:00
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina Banja Luka FabLab Banja Luka http://www.fablab.rs.ba planned zzelimir@gmail.com SR, EN
Europe Bulgaria Sofia Smart Fab Lab (SFL) http://www.smartfablab.org/ AABB Stavri Nikolov - team@smartfablab.org Bulgarian, English open since Dec 2013
Europe Croatia Zagreb FabLab http://www.fablab.hr AABA info@fablab.hr Croatian, EN, DE Hosted at Faculty of Architecture
Europe Denmark Kolding Innovationsfabrikkens FabLab - AABC+ digilab@ibc.dk
Europe Denmark Copenhagen Copenhagen Fablab AABC+ kulturvalby@kff.kk.dk
Europe Denmark Naestved Fablab Danmark, Naestved http://fablabdanmark.dk AAAB info@fablabdanmark.dk Danish, English
Europe Denmark Danish Technological Institute Fablab TI, Taastrup/Copenhagen https://www.facebook.com/fablabti AABB rrx@teknologisk.dk Danish, English Open every tuesday and wednesday from 9am to 16pm. Otherwise open on request. Address: Gregersensvej 1, building 1F, DK-2630 Taastrup. We welcome your visit - come join..
Europe Denmark Roskilde University Fablab RUC http://fablab.ruc.dk http://facebook.com/FabLabRUC AAAA fablab@ruc.dk Danish, English Open access in normal working hours every day, open with assistance and long opening every tuesday and by arrangement. Address: Universitetsvej 1, building 4.0, 4000 Roskilde http://goo.gl/maps/cyYfo
Europe England Basildon FabLab Essex http://www.mic2c.com AAAA EN FabLab Essex is operational in the MakerDen
Europe England Brighton Brighton FabLab http://fablabbrighton.org/ Under development. EN FabLab Brighton will be an open access workshop based at Rodhus Creative Studios
Europe England Doncaster Fablab Doncaster http://fablabdoncaster.org under development with education centre
Europe Scotland Glasgow MAKLAB http://www.maklab.co.uk http://www.facebook.com/dreamit.designit.makit https://twitter.com/themaklab http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4550568&trk=hb_side_g ABAB makit@maklab.co.uk EN at Charing Cross Mansions, 30 St. George's Cross, Glasgow, G3 6UJ, Open 9-5pm Weekdays & 11-4pm Saturday
Europe England Manchester Fab Lab Manchester AAAA EN delivered by The Manufacturing Institute
Europe England Keighley Fab Lab Airedale http://www.fablabairedale.org http://www.facebook.com/#!/FabLabAiredale https://twitter.com/FabLabAiredale http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jameskitson AAAA info@fablabairedale.org EN West Yorkshire, delivered by The Centre of Manufacturing Excellence - The UK's 2nd Fab Lab, opened March 2012. +44 (0) 1535 606703
Europe England London Fab Lab Canary Wharf http://inter-action.uk.com In Planning info@inter-action.uk.com EN East London - Currently looking for machine engineers to help us
Europe England London Imperial College Mechanical Engineering Student Workshop CCBC EN
Europe Finland Helsinki Aalto Fablab http://fablab.aalto.fi/ http://mediafactory.aalto.fi/ AABA fablab@aalto.fi
Europe Finland Oulu Fablab Oulu Under development
Europe France Aix-en-Provence Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille - FabLab Aix http://labaixbidouille.com/ Under Development contact@labaixbidouille.com Fr En (will open on september 2013)
Europe France Amiens Etolab http://www.etolab.com/ under developpement contact FR no comment
Europe France Antibes NavLab, a lab for boats http://navlab.avitys.com under developement navlab@avitys.com FR Specialised in nautical projects but opened to all - Opening early 2014
Europe France Auxerre Atelier des Beaux Boulons http://beauxboulons.org/ ABBC atelierdesbeauxboulons@gmail.com FR EN opening september 2014
Europe France Avrigney-Virey MinotLab, Comtois http://www.fablab-comtois.org AAB+B bipdan@gmail.com FR Opened in fev 2015, Friday 14:00 - 21:00, on demand for other access,
Europe France Beauvais Le FabLab de l'Atelier http://atelier.oise.fr/ AABB contact@atelier.oise.fr FR EN opening december 2014
Europe France Besancon FabLab Besancon FrenchMakers http://www.frenchmakers.com under developement contact@frenchmakers.com FR in progress - Opening very soon
Europe France Biarne Net-IKi, Comtois http://www.fablab-net-iki.org AAB+B fablab.netiki@gmail.com FR Opened in June 2012, Tuesday, Friday 14:00 - 21:00, on demand for other access,
Europe France Blois FabLab Robert Houdin de Blois http://fablab-robert-houdin.org/ AACB fablabs41@gmail.com FR OpenLab every saturday, please consults the website for more information
Europe France Brest Les Fabriques du Ponant http://lesfabriquesduponant.net AABB contact@lesfabriquesduponant.net Fr En OpenLab every Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
Europe France Brest Telefab Telecom Bretagne http://www.telefab.fr AABB contact@telefab.fr Fr En Opened Thursday 11am-3pm
Europe France Brive FABLAB19 http://www.brive.unilim.fr/fablab19 BABB fabLab19@unilim.fr Fr En Hosted by dept GEII of IUT du Limousin.
Europe France Beziers Fablab Web-5 http://fablab.web-5.org AACB fablab@web-5.org Fr En Hosted by IUT de Beziers. Free public access every Thursday 17:00 - 20:00. See how to find us here
Europe France Bordeaux Cap Science's FabLab http://blogs.c-yourmag.net/fablab-livinglab-capsciences/category/fablab/ Under developement (should be ABBB at the beginning) The fab-manager Fr En Will open 2015
Europe France Caen Fablab Caen Basse-Normandie http://fablabcaen.blogspot.fr/ XXXX mdebar@relais-sciences.org Fr (hot fablab, XXXX)
Europe France Calais FabLab Cote d'Opale http://www.fablabcotedopale.com/ AAAA contact@fablabcotedopale.com Fr En Open Monday to Saturday. Programs for students, entrepreneurs and business
Europe France Cely FabLab Moebius http://www.fablab-moebius.org/ AACC contact@fablab-moebius.org Fr En
Europe France Amiens Etolab http://www.etolab.com/ contact soon FR no comment
Europe France Chalon sur Saône Fablab CHALON Planned fablab.chalon@gmail.com FR
Europe France Chamblay Facto-Habilis, Comtois http://www.fablab-comtois.org AAB+B factohabilis@gmail.com FR Opened in June 2012, Sunday 09:00 - 21:00, on demand for other access,
Europe France Champagnole FabLab CHAMPAGNOLE http://www.netvibes.com/fablabchampagnole https://www.facebook.com/FabLabChampagnole AAXX fablabchampagnole@gmail.com FR Ouvert le mardi/jeudi 17h45-20h00 au Lycée Paul Emile VICTOR
Europe France Château-Thierry Fab Lab Chateau Thierry planned AABC [2] french,english +336 84 63 35 57
Europe France Cintegabelle Fab Lab Sud31-Val d'Ariège http://www.fablab-sud31.fr/ BACC contact@fablab-sud31.fr Fr Opens september 20th 2014
Europe France Clermont-Ferrand ACoLab, atelier collaboratif http://www.acolab.fr Under development contact@acolab.fr Fr, some En
Europe France Clermont-Ferrand La fabrique du quotidien http://la-fabrique-du-quotidien.org/ Under development Fr once a week
Europe France Coudures Fabriques Alternatives http://fabriques-alternatives.org Under developpement couby40@gmail.com Fr, En
Europe France Dijon L'abscisse http://fablab.coagul.org BBBB (Aiming BAAA)Opened on Sept 2012Open Every Friday c-bureau@outils.coagul.org Fr En
Europe France Draguignan Dragolab www.mode83.net/dragolab/ dragolab@mode83.net
Europe France Dijon Kelle FabriK http://kellefabrik.blogspot.com AAAA kellefabrik@gmail.com FR will open on march 2013
Europe France Folschviller OpenEdge OpenEdge under dev. (will be AAAA) manu@3dprintskin.eu Fr, En, De Soon to be the home of the FoldaRap production
Europe France Gennevilliers FacLab http://www.faclab.org AABB contact@faclab.org Fr, En Île-de-France, In the Paris suburb, (Aiming AAAA) Opened every day from monday to friday, 13:00-18:00
Europe France Grasse Yottalab http://www.yottalab.org AABA contact@yottalab.org IT RO FR EN Opening April 2014. Hosted by Espace Culturel Altitude 500, 57 av. Honore Lions, Grasse.
Europe France Grenoble FabLab Grenoble http://fablab.ccsti-grenoble.org/ AAAA jean-michel.molenaar@ccsti-grenoble.org FR hosted by CCSTI La Casemate - Open from the 23rd of March 2012, from 9 in the morning till 24.00 in the evening (check the site for detailed opening times) for info, send a mail
Europe France Grenoble fabMTIC http://air.imag.fr CCBB FR Hosted by Université Joseph Fourier, Polytech Grenoble - Open in January 2010. Dedicated to ambient intelligence prototyping.
Europe France Lannion Fablab-Lannion http://www.fablab-lannion.org AACB contact@fablab-lannion.org FR Operated by the Ker NEL association, hosted by Lycée (eq. Highschool) Le Dantec, we are a young, open and active community.
Europe France La Rochelle Rupellab - fablab La Rochelle http://rupellab.org / http://www.facebook.com/rupellab / http://twitter.com/rupellab under development contact@rupellab.org FR .
Europe France La Rochelle Les établis&co - Espace de comaking & fablab La Rochelle http://www.rigid-art.fr / http://www.facebook.com/fablab17 / http://twitter.com/RigidArtFablab under development rigid-art@laposte.net FR
Europe France Lille FabLab Lille http://www.fablablille.fr ABCC info@fablablille.fr FR
Europe France Limoges Limouzi Lab http://lab.limouzi.org under development contact@limouzi.org FR, EN, some DE, some AT, some SP, some espéranto
Europe France Lorient Créa-Fab http://www.crepp.org under development contact@crepp.org FR, EN
Europe France Lyon Fabrique d'Objets Libres http://www.fablab-lyon.fr/ BBBC fabriquedobjetslibres@gmail.com FR
Europe France Marseille Ecole Centrale Marseille http://fablab.centrale-marseille.fr under development fablab.marseille@gmail.com Fr, En
Europe France Marseille LFO – Lieu de Fabrication Ouvert http://lfofablab.org/ AABB contact [a] lfofablab [dot] org Fr, En Open every wednesday from 14 to 19, and other days on demand. Events : Week-ends fablab, Open Ateliers and What the FLOK ?.
Europe France Marseille La Fabulerie http://lafabulerie.com/
Europe France Metz GraouLab http://www.graoulab.org https://www.facebook.com/GraouLab] under developpement metzfablab@gmail.com FR, EN Lorraine - mailing-list:metzfablab@goall.fr ;
Europe France Mont-de-Marsan Fabriques Alternatives http://fabriques-alternatives.org Under developpement couby40@gmail.com Fr, En
Europe France Montpellier Labsud http://www.labsud.org AACA contact@labsud.org FR, some EN Languedoc Roussillon - location - Public opening every Tuesday 20:30-01:00. Workshops on Friday 20:30-01:00 Email us to arrange visit outside of this time frame:
Europe France Montreuil Ecodesign fab lab http://www.ecodesignfablab.org/ ABBB contact@apedec.org Fr En open every friday 10 to 18
Europe France Mulhouse Technistub http://www.technistub.fr BBCC FR Alsace - Public opening every Friday.
Europe France Nancy NYBI.CC http://nybi.cc AABA association@nybi.cc FR, EN Lorraine - location - Public opening every Wednesday 20:00-21:00. Email us to arrange visit outside of this time frame.
Europe France Nancy GSI-Lab https://www.facebook.com/GSILab CAAA emmanuel.gilloz@univ-lorraine.fr FR, EN Lorraine - Email to arrange visit during school hours. School: ENSGSI; GSI-Lab: location
Europe France Saint-Etienne OpenFactorySainté http://www.openfactory42.org under development contact@openfactory42.org FR
Europe France Saint-Nazaire Lefab44 http://lefab44.com AABA [3] FR
Europe France Nantes Ping http://fablab.pingbase.net AABA fablab@pingbase.net FR
Europe France Nantes Plateforme C http://www.plateforme-c.org BAAA [4] french,english,spanish +332 51 84 13 57
Europe France Nice Nicelab https://blog.nicelab.org/un-fablab-pour-nice under developpement fablab (à) nicelab po int org fablab (à) nicelab po int org FR (atelier ouvert tous les jeudi soirs)
Europe France Orléans L'atelier du c01n http://labomedia.org/ BBBA atelierduc01n@labomedia.net FR (opening for January)
Europe France Orléans FabLab' Orléans http://fablab.tech-orleans.fr/ under development vincent.marce@tech-orleans.fr FR
Europe France Orsay Photonic FabLab http://www.institutoptique.fr/.../Le-Photonic-FabLab


CABC Camille Ressguier - camille.resseguier@institutoptique.fr FR, En (Essonne, Ile de France)
Europe France Paris Le Petit FabLab de Paris http://lepetitfablabdeparis.fr under development bonjour@lepetitfablabdeparis.fr FR EN (opening for February 2013)
Europe France LIGUGE U.N.I.T. - les usines nouvelles http://www.lesusinesnouvelles.com/fab-lab/ open AT|yahoo.com chessecyril|AT|yahoo.com] FR U.N.I.T. est un espace ouvert les jeudi soir de 18h30 à 21h, et un samedi sur 2 de 14h à 17h, sur inscription préalable (Cyril Chessé 0688843412).
Europe France Paris Carrefour Numérique http://carrefour-numerique.cite-sciences.fr AABC carrefour-numerique@universcience.fr FR EN
Europe France Paris PMC-lab [] under development karolalexandersecret@gmail.com FR (association hébergée par l'Université Pierre et Marie CURIE / jussieu - financé par le PRES)
Europe France Pau MIPS http://www.mips-lab.net/ http://twitter.com/mipslab AABC contact@mips-lab.net FR, EN, ES Phone : +33 5 32 09 04 76 during opening hours (see agenda page on the website). Operational since june 2014.
Europe France Poitiers Les fabriques nouvelles [] under development chessecyril@yahoo.com FR
Europe France Rennes Le Labfab http://www.labfab.fr ABCB hugobiwan.zolnir@gmail.com FR, EN Public opening everyday from monday to friday 12:00-14:00
Europe France Rezé Barakalab http://www.barakason.com/activites/fablab BACB olivier.heinry@free.fr FR, EN Open Thursdays 18:00-22:00. Soon (mid 2015) also opening on Wednesdays.
Europe France la Roche-sur-Yon La Forge des Possibles laforgedespossibles.org AACB Fr, some En Irregular opening, see website (in French)
Europe France Saclay DesignLab http://www.facebook.com/Designlabsaclay - http://twitter.com/DesignLabSaclay under devellopement Laurent.cabaret@ecp.fr FR
Europe France Saint-Brieuc Le Flood http://leflood.org planned contact@leflood.org FR, EN
Europe France Sarreguemines Fabulis http://www.fabulis.org AABB alexandre.benassar@ac-nancy-metz.fr FR
Europe France Savigny-les-Beaune FabLab des vignes Planned AAB+A fablab.vignes@gmail.com FR
Europe France Strasbourg AV Lab Strasbourg http://av-exciters.com/AV-Lab/ av.exciters@gmail.com FR, EN, SP, DE, Alsacien Opening the 15th of March
Europe France Strasbourg Ideas'Lab Strasbourg http://www.ideaslab.fr Under development FR
Europe France Thionville ThiLab - Fab Lab de la région thionvilloise http://www.thilab.fr Under development tylab@free.fr FR Do not hesitate to contact us if interested.
Europe France Thonon les Bains La Zone 42 http://hardware-libre.fr, http://lazone42.fr (under development), Google+, Twitter, Facebook Under development stouf@hardware-libre.org / panda@hardware-libre.org FR, some En Do not hesitate to contact us.
Europe France Toulouse Artilect Fab Lab Toulouse http://www.artilect.fr AAAB lassabe@artilect.fr FR
Europe France Tours FunLab, Le Fab Lab Tourangeau http://Funlab.fr planned didier.roudaut@gmail.com FR live meeting 2 times a month - Rendez-vous 2 fois par mois
Europe France Vannes Makerspace56 http://www.makerspace56.org planned christophe.augier@gmail.com FR
Europe France Vannes-le-châtel CERFAV Glass Fablab http://cerfav.fr/fablab BABB philippe.garenc@cerfav.fr European Center for Research and Training in Glass - FabLab and Glassworks | Conception et prototypage pour l'édition d'objets en verre / Mon-Fri from 08:00-12:00,13:00-16:00
Europe France Vauréal VoLAB VoLAB BABB joel@vorobotics.com Overt les mardi et vendredi à partir de 20h et le samedi à partir de 14h30 - Open on tuesday an friday at 20h and saterday afternoon at 14:30
Europe France Le Puy-en-Velay FormaLAB http://formalab.cc under development cri@velay.greta.fr FR FabLab dedicated to learning and training for the inclusion of low-qualified young adults. (CBCB) Greta du Velay
Europe France Segala Carmausin, Midi-Pyrenees NoNameYet Glenn Smith Under devellopement Glenn Smith EN FR Future Rural Fablab somewhere between Rodez and Albi
Europe France Lormes FabLab du Morvan Patrick Marmion Open Patrick Marmion EN FR Future Rural Fablab in the Mission numérique du Pays Nivernais Morvan Lormes
Europe Germany Aachen Fab Lab Aachen http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de AAAA DE Operational. Opened December 2009, hosted by RWTH Aachen University. Free and open access every Tuesday, sign up for a time slot at http://fablab.rwth-aachen.de to visit, or come to the local Dorkbot meeting on the third Wednesday evening of each month.
Europe Germany Berlin Fab Lab Berlin http://fablab-berlin.org BAAB DE Operational. Opened March 2013. Open access Monday-Sunday, Free and open access every Friday, we are offering workshops almost every day of the week, check our calendar: http://www.fablab-berlin.org/de/events/.
Europe Germany Wildau, Brandenburg ViNN:Lab http://www.facebook.com/vinnlab AABB creativelab[at]th-wildau[dot]de German, English Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences, opening 2014
Europe Germany Berlin Open Design City CBCC DE
Europe Germany Essen 3D Druckzentrum Ruhr http://www.3d-druckzentrum-ruhr.de AABA info@3d-druckzentrum-ruhr.de german, english Open 24/7, just drop in, relaxed atmosphere, strong connection to art and artistic activities
Europe Germany Halle (Saale) Eigenbaukombinat Halle http://www.eigenbaukombinat.de BBAB info@eigenbaukombinat.de DE Operational on ~300m^2. Opened January 2013, Open for members and interested people on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 19:00 CET, and Saturday from 17:00 CET. Currently about 60 Members.
Europe Germany Potsdam Fab Lab Potsdam - Science Shop Potsdam http://www.wissenschaftsladen-potsdam.de/ AAAA mario.parade@wissenschaftsladen-potsdam.de DE (integrated in the subculture maker project freiland. more information are announced via the science shop potsdam website)
Europe Germany Bottrop HRW FabLab http://fablab.hochschule-ruhr-west.de AAAA DE Part of the University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West. Currently open to all students, but public availability is planned.
Europe Germany Bremen FabLab Bremen Initiative http://fablabbremen.de/ under development DE
Europe Germany Darmstadt L1A Makerspace http://www.l1a.deFacebook ABBA info@l1a.de DE, EN Open Wed and Thu pm 5:30 to 9:00 for everybody. Other times per appointment. No membership necessary. Opened 2013. Check page/FB for further infos.
Europe Germany Erlangen FAU FabLab http://fablab.fau.de AAAB fablab-aktive@fablabu.fau.de DE, EN Part of the University of Erlange-Nuremburg. Currently open to all students, but public availability is planned.
Europe Germany Hamburg Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli http://fablab-hamburg.org/ AACA fablablist@fablab-hamburg.org DE Operational. The Lab is open at least one or two days per week for everyone. Open Lab Day is every Thursday 16:30 till night. Other dates are announced via website/newsletter/facebook/twitter.
Europe Germany Leipzig Hackstatt http://hackstatt.org/ under development fablab@lists.hackstatt.org DE or subscribe to our mailinglist: http://lists.hackstatt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fablab
Europe Germany Köln DingFabrik Köln e.V. http://www.dingfabrik.de/ ABBA DE Just working on a lasersaur open source laser cutter, so in May 2012 our equipment matches class A. On friday our workshop is open for everybody and for free, during the rest of the week the workshop is used by our members (anyone can join) and interested people can request access.
Europe Germany München FabLab München e.V. http://www.fablab-muenchen.de/ BABB DE Open to members (anyone can join) or to the public (for a small fee) at special times (check the web site). Still missing a shopbot.
Europe Germany Nürnberg Fab Lab Region Nürnberg e.V. http://www.fablab-nuernberg.de AACA DE The Fab Lab Nürnberg resides on the former AEG premises which have been turned into a creative hotspot for the whole region. You can find the lab here: [5] - In operation - Also includes a limited but mobile Pop-up-FabLab-in-a-Box (laser cutter, vinyl cutter, t-shirt press, basic electronics).Open Lab Fridays 17:00-22:00 and Saturdays 14:00-20:00 (please check our webpage for last minute news and updates).
Europe Germany Paderborn FabLab Paderborn e.V. http://www.fablab-paderborn.de founded Alex Niewels - alex@fablab-paderborn.de DE, EN, ES, IT Westernmauer 12, 33098 Paderborn
Europe Germany Karlsruhe FabLab Karlsruhe e. V. http://www.fablab-karlsruhe.de founded info@fablab-karlsruhe.org
Europe Germany Bayreuth FabLab-Bayreuth http://www.fablab-bayreuth.de founded [6] DE Part of the Staatsinstitut für die Ausbildung von Fachlehrern - Bayreuth. Opened since 20. July 2013. Open to members (anyone can join) or to the public for the moment allways Saturday (start: 13:00). Please check our website!
Europe Germany Rothenburg ob der Tauber FabLab Region Rothenburg ob der Tauber e.V. http://www.fablab-rothenburg.de founded fablab-rothenburg@gmail.com DE-EN Deutschherrngasse 1, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Europe Germany Regensburg FabLab Regensburg http://www.fablab-regensburg.de founded info@fablab-regensburg.de DE, EN Grunewaldstr. 5, 93053 Regensburg
Europe Germany Immenstaad a. Bodensee TechnikBäckerei e.V. http://www.technikbaeckerei.de.de under development info@technikbaeckerei.de DE, EN, FR
Europe Greece Ioannina Lasercutter.gr http://www.lasercutter.gr under development info@lasercutter.gr GR, EN, DE
Europe Hungary Budapest Fab Lab Budapest http://fablabbudapest.com/, http://www.facebook.com/fabrikacios.laboratorium AABC info@fablabbudapest.com Mon-Fri 12-8pm, Sat 10-6pm
Europe Iceland Akranes Fab Lab Akranes (closed) http://fablabakranes.is/ ???? info@fablabakranes.is IS Closed
Europe Iceland Fjardabyggd Fab Lab Austurland(opens in november 2014) Fab Lab Austurland ???? lilja@austurbru.is IS Opens in November 2014
Europe Iceland Hornafjörður Fab Lab Hornafjordur Fab Lab Hornafjordur ???? vilhjalmurm(a)horafjordur.is IS Opens in 2015
Europe Iceland Reykjavík Fab Lab Reykjavik Fab Lab Reykjavík AAAA reykjavik@fablab.is IS
Europe Iceland Ísafjörður Fab Lab Ísafjörður Fab Lab Ísafjörður AAAA IS
Europe Iceland Sauðárkrókur Fab Lab Sauðárkrókur Fab Lab Sauðárkrókur AAAA IS
Europe Iceland Vestmannaeyjar Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar AAAA IS
Europe Ireland Co Tipperary Ecovillage, Cloughjordan; http://www.wecreate.ie Under development. anthony@wecreate.ie IR EN geolocation: 52.94700,-8.03689
Europe Italy Turin Fablab Torino (ex fablab italia) http://www.fablabtorino.org/ http://www.fablabitalia.it BAAA info@fablabtorino.org IT Fablab Italia: open since April 2011, closed November 2011 - Fablab Torino: open since February 2012 - via Egeo 16, Torino. Mon - Fri 16.00 / 23.00 - mail or call +39 339 1721290
Europe Italy Borgomanero (NO) We Do Fablab http://www.wedofablab.com/ http://www.wedofablab.com AAAB info@wedofablab.com IT We Do Fablab: - via Alfieri 7, Borgomanero (NO) - mail or call +39 333 3910736
Europe Italy Milan FabLab Milano http://www.fablabmilano.it AACB info@fablabmilano.it IT via Schiaffino, 11 20158 Milano - mobile: +39 334 9603661 - Tue - Fri 14.00 / 19.00
Europe Italy Milan ONEOFF Fablab Milano Fabbrica Del Vapore http://www.oneoff.it/ under development info@oneoff.it IT via Luigi Nono, 7, 20154 Milano


Europe Italy Reggio Emilia Fab Lab Reggio Emilia http://www.fablabreggioemilia.org under development bombardi@fablabreggioemilia.org IT
Europe Italy Firenze FabLab Firenze http://www.fablabfirenze.org under development info@fablabfirenze.org OT
Europe Italy Napoli FabLab Napoli http://www.fablabnapoli.it planning contatti@antoniogrillo.com IT
Europe Italy Trento MUSE FabLab http://www.muse.it AABA muse.fablab@muse.it IT
Europe Italy Bolzano TIS FabLab http://www.tis.bz.it Planning walter.weissensteiner@tis.bz.it IT, DE, EN
Europe Italy Venezia Venice FabLab http://www.fablabmestre.org under development info@fablabmestre.org IT
Europe Italy Venezia FabLab Venezia http://www.fablabvenezia.org under development info@fablabvenezia.org IT, EN
Europe Italy Rome Fablab SPQwoRk Roma http://www.spqwork.com AAAA info@spqwork.com IT, EN, DE, FR, ES Fablab SPQwoRk: open since July 2013, - via di Portonaccio 23, Roma. Mon - Fri 14.00 / 19.00 mail or call +39 329 1375521
Europe Italy Rome Fablab Roma Network Fablab Roma Network under development info@fablabroma.it IT, EN, DE, FR Fablab Roma Network: first lab under development, open on september 2013 RomaMakers
Europe Italy Palermo Fablab Palermo http://fablabpalermo.org/ BABB palermomakers@gmail.com IT via Mariano Stabile, 52 Palermo Italy +39 091 7846077
Europe Italy Pisa FabLab Pisa www.fablabpisa.org - twitter.com/FABLABPisa - www.facebook.com/pages/Fablab-Pisa BBBB info@fablabpisa.org Italian, English
Europe Italy Ivrea FabLab Ivrea www.fablabivrea.org - www.facebook.com/fablabivrea BBBB info@fablabivrea.org Italian, English Polo formativo universitario - Officina H - Via Montenavale 2 - 10015 Ivrea (TO) - Italy - +39 328 663 9523
Europe Italy Cava de' Tirreni Mediterranean FabLab http://www.medaarch.com/mediterraneanfablab/ AABB medfablab@medaarch.com IT, EN, ES Corso Umberto I, 137 - 84013 - Cava de' Tirreni +393925149075
Europe Italy Contea FabLab Contea http://fablabcontea.blogspot.com under development fablabcontea@gmail.com IT, EN first lab in mugello/val di sieve area, under development. location: SS67 , 110 - 50060 - loc.Contea
Europe Italy Catania FabLab Catania www.fablabcatania.eu scheduled to open in spring 2014 info@fablabcatania.eu IT, EN first lab in Catania. Mission:recovering our first resource, creativity, through the use of the new technologies available.Imagine and Create. All are welcome! +393923852707
Europe Italy Rimini FabLab Rimini - MakeRN Association http://www.MakeRN.it under development [7] IT, EN first lab in Rimini. Via Cagni, 14 Rimini (RN) Luca Berardi +393351397538 school and local community/institution focused everyone are welcome!
Europe Italy Grassano Syskrack Lab - Syskrack Giuseppe Porsia http://www.syskrack.org / https://www.facebook.com/syskrackgiuseppeporsia?ref_type=bookmark under development syskracklab@googlegroups.com liuzzihacker@gmail.com IT, EN First lab in Basilicata! Dedicated to Giuseppe Porsia: we will honour his name and his memory, trying to innovate our country and making something special for everybody! Come and visit us! In the name of Peps!
Europe Italy Bitonto FabLab Bitonto http://www.fablabbitonto.org/ Planning fablabbitonto@gmail.com IT, EN
Europe Italy Pistoia FabLab Pistoia http://www.ptlug.org AAAC info.ptlug@gmail.com IT, EN open Saturday from 13:30 to 18:30
Europe Latvia Riga FabLab of University of Latvia http://www.biznesainkubators.lu.lv/fablab/ ABCC kriss.lidumnieks@inbox.lv EN, RU, LV Kriss Lidumnieks (+371)25651327, Address: Riga, Aspazijas bulvāris 5, room:222
Europe Luxembourg Esch/Belval Technoport / FabLabLux http://fablablux.org/ AAAA fablablux@technoport.lu EN, FR Rodolfo Baïz -
Europe Netherlands Alkmaar FabLab de Kaasfabriek http://www.kaasfabriek.nl; https://www.facebook.com/kaasfabriek AAAA [8] NL EN DU Thursday 19,00-22.00 saturday 14.00 - 17.00 uur open access, Other days by appointment. Pettemerstraat 15 (next to Hal25) 1823CW Alkmaar, PO: Baansingel 141, 1813ZE  Alkmaar phone: 0031610888390 (André)
Europe Netherlands Amersfoort FabLab Amersfoort http://fablabamersfoort.nl/ AAAA info@fablabamersfoort.nl NL EN Stay-over: Yes.
Europe Netherlands Amsterdam Waag Society http://amsterdam.fablab.nl/ AAAA fablab@waag.org - Alex Schaub NL Open days tuesdays and thursdays 10:00 - 18:00;
Europe Netherlands Arnhem FabLab Arnhem http://www.fablabarnhem.nl/ BBBA NL
Europe Netherlands Bergen op Zoom FabLab Bergen op Zoom http://www.fablabbergenopzoom.nl/ ABBA NL
Europe Netherlands Breda FabLab Breda http://www.fablabbreda.nl; http://facebook.com/fablabbreda ABBA Mail FabLab Breda Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Brabants Tuesday 13.00-17.00 open access, other days by appointment. Speelhuislaan 19 (Electron building)
Europe Netherlands Eindhoven De Factorij http://www.fablab-eindhoven.nl; http://de-factorij.nl BBBB NL
Europe Netherlands Eindhoven Fablab Brainport http://www.fablabbrainport.nl AABA NL Open every Tuesday 9.00 - 17.00
Europe Netherlands Enschede FabLab Enschede http://www.fablabenschede.nl/ AABA info@fablabenschede.nl Dutch, English, German Monday closed, Tuesday-Fryday 13:00-17:00 or on appointment. Phone: +31(0)53 4871 411
Europe Netherlands Amsterdam FabLabTruck (mobile) http://fablabtruck.nl/ BBCB NL
Europe Netherlands Groningen FabLab Groningen http://www.fablabgroningen.nl/ BBBB NL
Europe Netherlands The Hague CabFabLab http://denhaag.fablab.nl/ BAAA NL
Europe Netherlands 's Hertogenbosch FabLab Noord-Brabant http://fablabnoordbrabant.nl under development NL Open every wednesday 14.00-16.00.
Europe Netherlands Flevoland FabLab Dronten http://fablabflevoland.nl AABB NL Open mon 9-16, wed 9-16
Europe Netherlands Flevoland BiblioLab Lelystad http://fablabflevoland.nl ???? NL Opened on Mar 16 2013
Europe Netherlands Maastricht FabLab Maastricht http://fablabmaastricht.nl AAAA Dutch, EN, DE just drop in: every Tuesday 9.00-17.00h, other days on appointment
Europe Netherlands Rotterdam Stadslab010 http://stadslabrotterdam.nl/ AABA stadslab@hr.nl Dutch, EN We're open for everyone tuesday 12-9 and thursday 9-19:30. For more info: contact stadslab@hr.nl
Europe Netherlands Tilburg FABLAB013 http://fablab013.nl/ facebook : fablab013 AABB frontdesk@fablab013.nl EN, DE , dutch stadhuisplein 354 5038 TH Tilburg -
Europe Netherlands Ulft ICER-Lab http://www.icer.nl/nl/maken/fablab-3d-printen BAAA NL, EN, GER just drop in Thursday and Friday afternoon
Europe Netherlands Utrecht ProtoSpace http://protospace.nl AAAA NL just drop in: every Tuesday 13.30-16.30; Thursday 9.30-16.30
Europe Netherlands Utrecht Mini FabLab http://minifablab.nl ABCA bart@minifablab.nl EN, FR, GER, ES, some IT, DU Stay-over: Yes, sleeps 2
Europe Netherlands Utrecht Rotslab http://rotslab.nl ABCC NL
Europe Netherlands Venlo If Else Noord-Limburg http://fablab-if-else.nl under development info@fablab-if-else.nl NL
Europe Netherlands Wageningen FabLab Wageningen (under development) http://fablabwag.nl ???? info@fablabwag.nl NL
Europe Norway Hoylandet Kommune Fab Lab Hoylandet http://www.visitfablab.no/ ???? NO
Europe Norway Lyngen MIT-Fablab at Solvik Gard MIT-Fablab Norway AAAA NO just drop in!
Europe Norway Oslo Fellesverkstedet / FabLab Oslo Fellesverkstedet Planned jens (@) dyvikdesign.com - Jens Dyvik
Europe Poland Poznań DAD-Workshop http://dad-workshop.com/ BBCC make@dad-workshop.com PL EN
Europe Poland Kielce FabLab Kielce http://www.fablabkielce.pl/ BBBB info@fablabkielce.pl PL EN
Europe Portugal Lisboa Fablab EDP [PT] http://fablabedp.edp.pt AAAB Nuno Valverde - nuno.valverde@edp.pt PT
Europe Portugal Lisbon Fablab Lisboa http://www.fablablisboa.pt AAAB bernardo.gaeiras@cm-lisboa.pt - Bernardo Gaeiras PT,EN from Lisbon's City Hall / Open Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Europe Portugal Coimbra Novotecna http://www.novotecna.pt/fablab/ ???? PT Associação para o desenvolvimento tecnológic
Europe Portugal Fundão Fab Lab Aldeias do Xisto http://www.cm-fundao.pt/movetofundao/Living_Lab/fab_lab_xisto AABB fablabax@cm-fundao.pt EN PT Living Lab Cova Da Beira, 1 Laser Cutter Sprit GLS, 1 3d Printer fortus 250mc, 1 CNC Router Ouplan 1510, 1 Roland Modela mdx 40, 1 rolland Vynil Cutter GX24}
Europe Portugal Santarém FABLAB - Esc. Superior de Educação de Santarém http://w3.ese.ipsantarem.pt/FabLabs/
Under Development esesfablab@gmail.com PT - Portuguese Dimension 3D [Impressora 3D] • EPILOG MINI 24 [Laser] • ROLAND MDX-20 [Fresa Precisão] • OUPLAN 2010 [Fresa Grande Formato] • ROLAND GX-24 [Corte de Vinil]
Europe Romania Bucharest FabLab.ro http://www.FabLab.ro AABC contact@FabLab.ro RO Monday to Friday: 9.30-18.30
Europe Russia Moscow MHTCh FabLab
Europe Russia St Petersburg Fab Lab Polytech http://fablab1.org ABAC igor.asonov@spbstu.ru Ru, En Free public access every Saturday 12:00-19:00 - Fab Lab Polytech
Europe Spain A Coruña BricoLabs http://bricolabs.cc/ BBCC Galician, Spanish, English.
Europe Spain Barcelona Fab Lab Bcn http://fablabbcn.org/ BAAA SP EN Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Europe Spain Bermeo DenokInn ??? SP
Europe Spain Cáceres Cáceres Smart Open Lab http://solepcc.unex.es/ & http://solepcc.unex.es:6372/ AACB mlinaje@unex.es SP EN Smart Open Lab. Escuela Politécnica. Avd Universidad s/n. Cáceres (Spain)
Europe Spain Leon FabLab Leon http://www.fablableon.org/ AAAA info@fablableon.org SP Poligono Industrial de Onzonilla 2ª fase Calle C, parcela M-24 24391 Ribaseca, Leon - During December, free Access (9:00-14:00 & 16:00-19:00) to show all the people what Fab Lab is, and what kind of things you could made in.
Europe Spain Madrid Fab Lab Madrid Planned info@fablabmadrid.org SP
Europe Spain Sevilla Fab Lab Sevilla, http://htca.us.es/blogs/talleresfablab AAB+A fablab@us.es - perezdelama@us.es - mgr@us.es SP Open monday to friday 9:00 to 15:00. Other times by appointment. (August closed) phone [34] 954 556 932. Fab Lab Sevilla will be closed until the beginning of January 2012 due to construction works towards its extension Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Universidad de Sevilla; geolocation: 37.362466,-5.987023
Europe Spain Toledo Fab Lab Toledo http://www.fablabtoledo.org Planned / Under development info@fablabtoledo.org SP
Europe Spain Valencia Fab Lab Valencia http://www.fablab.upv.es Under development fablab@upv.es SP, EN Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Tel. (+34) 96 387 70 00 ext. 74642
Europe Spain Sitges FabLab Sitges http://www.fablabsitges.org/ Under construction hola [at] fablabsitges [dot] org Spanish English Passeig de la Ribera 46, 08870 Sitges, Spain
Europe Switzerland Luzern Luzern http://luzern.fablab.ch AAAB labmanager@luzern.fablab.ch CH free on Wed pm; open Tue 13-17, Wed 13-17, Thur 13-17h and by appointment
Europe Switzerland Nyon FabLab La Côte http:///www.fablab-lacote.ch BACC (obj:AABB) http://www.fablab-lacote.ch/contact CH tbd
Europe Switzerland Geneva TECFA (EduTech) Fab lab TECFA CCBB CH unit, University of Geneva
Europe Switzerland Neuchatel Neuchatel in development CH
Europe Switzerland Bern FabLab Bern http://bern.fablab.ch AABBunder development ramun@fabfolk.com CH Open and free on Fridays, contact ramun@fabfolk.com for appointment.
Europe Switzerland Fribourg FabLab Fribourg - Freiburg http://www.fablab-fribourg.ch Under development info@fablab-fribourg.ch CH
Europe Switzerland Lausanne FabLab Chêne20 - Renens http://www.fablab-chene20.ch AAAA fablab_renens_su@googlegroups.com CH
Europe Switzerland Zurich FabLab Zürich http://zurich.fablab.ch BACA CH
Europe Switzerland Zurich FunLab Zurich http://funlab.ch BBBB funlab@bluewin.ch CH Use of facility by appointment
Europe Ukraine Donetsk IZOLAB http://facebook.com/fablab.ua AABB [9] UA wednesday and saturday - open days
North America Canada Montréal, Québec ÉchoFab http://www.echofab.org ABBB info@echofab.org FR, EN
North America Canada Montréal, Québec iMuFab http://www.imufab.org/ AABB anthony@imufab.org FR, EN
North America Canada Montréal, Québec Fab@Marguerite http://wp.csmb.qc.ca/fablab/ Planned Mathieu.Dubreuil.Cousineau@csmb.qc.ca FR, EN
North America Canada St-Lambert, Québec Fab@Champlain http://www.champlainonline.com/champlainweb/ Planned sam@champlaincollege.qc.ca EN, FR no comment
North America Canada Toronto, Ontario Fab Lab Toronto http://fablabtoronto.org Planned goran.bajic@gmail.com en fr no comment
North America Canada Vancouver, British Columbia Science World http://www.scienceworld.ca planned adidow@scienceworld.ca
North America Canada Temiscouata, Quebec Fab Lab Temiscouata http://www.fablabtemiscouata.org planned yanndaigneault@gmail.com
North America Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba AssentWorks http://www.assentworks.ca BBAB info@assentworks.ca
North America Canada Frelighsburg, Québec DèmosLab http://www.demoslab.org/ planned info@demoslab.org
North America Canada Rimouski, Québec SD Électronique http://http://informatiquerimouski.com/ planned [mailto:]
North America Curacao Willemstad Stimul-IT AABB info@stimul-it.com EN, Dutch, Papiamentu, SP Curacao Innovation & Technology Institute
North America United States California, Palo Alto Stanford Learning FabLab ???? US-EN
North America United States California, San Diego FabLab SD ???? US-EN
North America United States California, San Francisco FabLab SF http://www.fablabsf.orghttp://www.facebook.com/FabLab.SanFranciscohttps://twitter.com/FabLabSF Planned (mid 2013) m.owen@live.com US-EN
North America United States California, San Jose The Tech Museum http://www.thetech.org planned US-EN
North America United States District of Columbia FAB LAB DC fablabdc.org ; ABBA pdk@fablabdc.org US-EN
North America United States Florida, Sarasota Suncoast Science Center (Developing) http://www.sarasotascience.org US-EN The Science Museum - Faulhaber Fab Lab
North America United States Florida A2 Fab Lab, University of Florida http://arts.ufl.edu/aafablab/ CCCC US-EN
North America United States Georgia, Savannah Savannah College of Art and Design US-EN
North America United States Idaho, Bonners Ferry Boundary County Library ???? planned
North America United States Illinois, Chicago Wanger Family Fab Lab www.msichicago.org/whats-here/fab-lab/ BBAA US-EN Wanger Family Fab Lab, Museum of Science and Industry + Chicago - See website for Fab Lab manager contact information to schedule tours.
North America United States Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab cucfablab.org AABA US-EN Tuesdays 5-9 pm, Thursday 5-9 pm, Sunday 12-6 pm
North America United States Iowa, Iowa City The S.T.E.A.M. Room Fab Lab www.thesteamroom.org Under Development kirk@thesteamroom.org US-EN Public Non-Profit. To Donate contact kirk@thesteamroom.org
North America United States Kansas, Overland Park Center For Advanced Professional Studies CBAC US-EN open during school hrs and school days
North America United States Louisiana, New Orleans FabLab NOLA planned fablabnola@gmail.com US-EN
North America United States Maine, Deer Isle Haystack Mountain School of Crafts http://www.haystack-mtn.org/FabLab.php ???? Contact Haystack US-EN
North America United States Maine, Biddeford Engine, Maine FabLab http://www.mainefablab.org/ BBBB director@feedtheengine.org US-EN 207-370-9130, 265 Main Street, Biddeford, Maine 0400
North America United States Maryland, Catonsville Community College of Baltimore County - Catonsville ???? US-EN
North America United States Massachusetts, Boston South End Technology Center AAAA US-EN see website for open access hours
North America United States Massachusetts, Roxbury The TIE Project TheTIEProject.org In development donalyn@thetieproject.org - Donalyn Stephenson , makeda@thetieproject.org - Makeda Stephenson US-EN Temporarily open. ABBA. The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project
North America United States Michigan, Ann Arbor Taubman College Digital Fab Lab ???? US-EN
North America United States Michigan, Detroit Incite Focus Fab Lab http://www.incite-focus.org AAAB US-EN
North America United States Michigan, Detroit Mt Elliott Makerspace http://mtelliottmakerspace.com ???? US-EN
North America United States Michigan, Flint Mott Community College Fab Lab http://mcc.edu/FABlab AAAB US-EN Check with lab
North America United States Michigan, Niles Bertrand Crossing Fab Lab ??? US-EN Lake Michigan College -
North America United States Michigan, Southfield makeLab http://make-lab.org ??? US-EN (Lawrence Technological University)
North America United States Minnesota, White Bear Lake Century Community and Technical College ??? US-EN
North America United States Missouri, Kansas City Hammerspace [10] http://www.meetup.com/Cowtown-Computer-Congress/ http://c3kc.org/ ACBC Davecdalton@gmail.com - Dave Dalton US-EN
North America United States Missouri, Kansas City Metropolitan Community College http://mcckc.edu/FabLab ABCC US-EN
North America United States Nebraska, Omaha Metropolitan Community College http://www.mccneb.edu/fablab AAAA Hugh Schuett - hschuett@mccneb.edu US-EN
North America United States New Mexico, Albuquerque Fablab ABQ ???? US-EN
North America United States New York, New York Marymount School Fab Lab CCAC jdec@marymountnyc.org - Jaymes Dec US-EN
North America United States New York, New York Sustainable South Bronx ???? US-EN
North America United States North Carolina, Durham Fab Labs Carolinas, A project of the Piedmont Conservation Council http://fablabcarolinas.org/ ???? US-EN
North America United States Ohio, Cincinnati University of Cincinnati DAAP Rapid Prototyping Center ???? US-EN
North America United States Ohio, Cleveland MC2STEM HS's Mobile Lab, at the Great Lakes Science Center http://www.greatscience.com/educators/mobile-fablab.aspx AAAA robertsonr@glsc.org - Rob Robertson US-EN Reserve this facility through Great Lakes Science Center.
North America United States Ohio, East Cleveland MC2STEM High School, GE Nela Park ???? US-EN
North America United States Ohio, Elyria Lorain County Community College http://www.lorainccc.edu/fab AAAA US-EN
North America United States Ohio, Milan EHOVE Career Center Fab Lab http://www.ehove.net/fablab AAAB Dave Jenkins - djenkins@ehove.net US-EN Lab just opened. Public hours coming soon. Please stop by and check out our new lab. We love to have visitors. For questions
North America United States Oklahoma, Tulsa Fab Lab Tulsa http://fablabtulsa.org/ AAAB US-EN We love visitors! Come see us in Tulsa, OK USA. For more details see our website.
North America United States Rhode Island, Providence AS220 http://labs.as220.org/ James Rutter - James@as220.org US-EN
North America United States Texas, Austin Fab Lab ATX http://fablabatx.com/ ABBB US-EN
North America United States Virginia, Martinsville Patrick Henry Community College http://www.patrickhenry.edu AAB+A Matthew Stuart Wade - mwade@patrickhenry.edu US-EN Please call at 2766565474 or email
North America United States Wisconsin, Appleton Fox Valley Technical College Program/Inovation/Mobile Lab http://www.fvtc.edu/fablab AAAA Steve Gallagher - fablab@fvtc.edu US-EN Fox Valley Technical College
North America United States Wisconsin, Oshkosh Fox Valley Technical College Program Lab http://www.fvtc.edu/fablab AAAA Terry Linson US-EN
North America United States Wisconsin, Menomonie University of Wisconsin–Stout US-EN
Oceania New Zealand Wellington Fab Lab Wgtn http://www.facebook.com/FabLabWGTN http://www.fablabwgtn.co.nz ABAB+ [11] EN come and visit! If you email first, we can arrange some activities as well
Oceania New Zealand Auckland FabLab DiamondAge http://www.diamondage.co.nz ABCB [12] EN If the gate is open, so are we.
Oceania New Zealand Christchurch Fabriko http://www.fabriko.org.nz planned [13] EN
South America Trinidad & Tobago Tobago W. I. Academy of Jewelry & Art http://www.academy-jewelry-art.com under development fablab@academy-jewelry-art.com EN/DE/HU
South America Suriname Paramaribo Paramaribo http://fablab.vicepresident.gov.sr fablab<at>vicepresident.gov.sr AACC NL, EN Soft launch 11 Feb. 2013, ASAP moving to AAAA
South America Argentina Lanús Universidad Nacional de Lanús, http://www.unla.edu.ar/ http://www.facebook.com/MingaLab CBBC aruscitti@unla.edu.ar ES
South America Argentina Mar del Plata Fab Lab MDP http://www.facebook.com/FabLabMardelPlata Planned fablabmdp@outlook.com ES
South Africa Brazil Sao Paulo Universidade de Sao Paulo under development in the process of buying machines and staff training
South America Chile Santiago Fab Lab Universidad de Chile http://www.fablab.uchile.cl CABB jczagal@ing.uchile.cl, fertorre@ing.uchile.cl Spanish & English Current machines: 3D printers, Laser Cutter, CNC's, Vinyls cutter
South America Chile Santiago Fab Lab Santiago http://www.fablabsantiago.org Planned / Under development info@fablabsantiago.org
South America Chile Santiago Fab Lab CL - Chile http://www.fablab.cl Planned / Under development info@fablab.cl
South America Chile Concepcion Fab Lab Concepcion - Chile http://www.fablabconcepcion.cl Under development [mailto: fablabconcepcion@gmail.com Spanish & English Machines: 1x Solidoodle 2, 1x Conce 3D Printer Delta, 1x Conce 3D Printer Cartesiana, 1x Laser Cutter, 1x Router CNC
South America Costa Rica Cartago Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica
South America Colombia Medellin Fab Lab Colombia http://www.fablabcolombia.com/ AABB
South America Colombia Cali FabLab Cali http://fablabcali.org/ AAAA fnaranjo@uao.edu.co ES Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
South America Mexico Oaxaca Fab Lab Oaxaca http://www.fablaboaxaca.org/ Under development See website Spanish, some english
South America Peru Lima Fab Lab Lima http://fablablima.arquitectura.edu.pe/ ???? fablablima@gmail.com PE National University of Engineering}
Asia Philippines Manila Eureka! FabLab http://fablab.eurekaphil.com Under Development [mailto:fablab@eurekaphil.com English,Tagalog +632.542.7609
Asia Bahrain Manama FabLab Bahrain http://fablabbahrain.com Under Development yahya_alansari@fablabbahrain.com English,Arabic +973.396.97967