User:Aurelie Pellegrino/Fablab Reykjavik/mystudyproject

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Study project

  • Presentation:

I'm student in digital creation in France. I study a lot of creation software (3D, sound, image, video ..) such as Blender, Ableton, Photoshop, Processing... We also work with arduino. The aim of my studies is to realize a project related to digital creation. That's why, I would like to made a project both immersive and interactive.

  • Software:

To carry out this project, I would like to work with the software Processing, with Arduino, and a 3D software.

  • Needed material :

A computer, an arduino card with a motion sensor, a kinect, a pico projector, mirrors, and an helmet printed with the 3D printer.

  • Project :

In my project, I want to question the place of the human in the universe. I want to question too, real and reality (real represent that surrounds us and the reality is our own perception about the real). This project talk about universe, more particulary multiverse, and real and reality. Is the universe real ? or just the reality of an another universe ? The reality depends on our percetion of the real, and on the informations that we received of this real. So, maybe our universe receives informations from an another universe, so this would mean that our universe is the reality of an another reality, so reality of an another universe, itself reality of an another universe .. and that could be infinite. So the question is : if there is just realities, does the real exist ?

In this project I would like that the participant create his own universe within the digital universe. Digital is a universe within our universe, it’s part of the multiverse. So with this project I want that the participant question himself about the real and the reality, if the universe is real or not. If it’s possible to create a real universe (with the digital) or if this universe is just our own reality. Moreover I would like to create a loss of landmarks, that’s why I want the participant enter into a black room with no sounds, a room without landmarks. After that I would like the participant put on is head a helmet in which the universe would be projected. I would like that inside this helmet, the participant have no landmarks. So I would like to put some mirrors inside to disrupt the landmarks. So I have to check if it’s work . If it’s work I would like to make the helmet with the 3D printer.

The participant will be able to create his own universe thanks to a Kinect which will detect the participant’s mouvments. The kinect will send these informations to processing, and processing will send the design of the interactive universe to the pico projector which will project this universe inside the helmet. In fact, the pico projector will be inside the helmet.

The design of my interactive Universe: The interactive universe will be an abstract universe. Indeed, it will be made of black and dots (white or colored, I don't know yet). Dots will take the shape of the silhouette of the participant, and will follow his movements, leaving traces. These traces will form the universe that the participant will create. I would like my universe looks a little bit like a project made by a French interactive studio (Bonjour interactive_lab): Passage.

  • Helmet :

At the begining of my project, I wanted to use a virtual reality helmet such as the Oculus rift. Indeed, I wanted to project my processing sketch directly in a occulus rift. For technical reasons, I'm not sure that it's possible, so that's why I would like to create my own helmet. It will not be a Virtual reality helmet, but just a helmet with no landmarks. A helmet which allows to be transported in an another universe (that's the purpose of a virtual reality helmet). For the design of this helmet I would like to make something a little bit like that :Round helmet. Indeed, I would like to make something such as an astronaut helmet.

22/03/17 :

I made a prototype of my helmet, the mirrors part. The mirrors part is the inside part of the helemet. I draw the prototype on a software called solidworks. Before that, I did some tests. In fact, I would like to use a pico pojector inside my helmet, so I must know the distance I need to have a good projection, neither too large nor too small. For these tests, I have used the Optoma Pico PK320 Pocket Projector . With this projector, I need a distance of 25 cm between the projector and the projection face (The projection face being in front of the eyes, and the projector above the head).

After this modelization, I made a prototype of this mirror part. I used the laser cutter and cardbord paper to make this prototype. For the mirrors, I bought Vinyl mirror and I cut it with the Vinyl cutter.

Check my laser cutter page

First prototype:

After have tried this prototype, I decided to make an another one. In fact, this one is not good, I don't have enough that feeling of infinity that I would like to have. So I think I need more faces, I will try with an octogon shape.

As for the outside part of the helmet, I modelized on blender a helmet similar to an astronaut's helmet. An astronaut helmet with a new design ;) I said that would like no landmarkes inside my helmet, so no sound. That's why I bought a kind of earplug : Isolate. It supposed to reduces noise levels but still allows you to hear details in sound through bone conduction. The isolation is good but not enough for my project, so I have to find an other solution.

Outside part :

<gallery> untitled.png|Blender modelization Capture3.PNG|Blender modelization: Isolate