
From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
Revision as of 02:06, 18 December 2009 by Haukur (talk | contribs)
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Haukur Sölvason

Haukur Sölvason

Fab Academy

Final project proposal - Warning system for monitoring freezers and coolers.

Final unit

The aim is to build a unit that can monitor temperatures and precense of power to freezers and coolers and upon failure sound an 80 db alarm, if no one is present it will then send a sms to a mobile phone.

Embedded programming (November 25)


 read an AVR data sheet
 make serial and programming cables
 add (at least) a button to the serial echo hello-world board
 modify the serial echo assembly program to respond to the button
 modify the serial echo C program to respond to the button