Fab business
Fab Business site
One idea is to organize events or place where the labs can present their ideas. People could join in to the Fab Lab network around the world. Each lab could present few ideas at each time. (2-3)
The purpose of the presentation could be
- a) to share knowledge
- b) to seek for knowledge
- c) to present the idea for possible partners (e.g. technical partners or business partners)
Different meetings could be held around different topics. Each idea should come with some basic information.
Every inventor should write this about his/hers idea:
- Idea number.
- Name of idea:
- Inventors name:
- Description
- Collaboration details
- Type of partner sought
- Sectors / Categories
These could be events where inventors and possible investors could be led together
Online Community
Physical Presence
Before trying to start TheUltimateFabLabDirectory I'd rather provide a few links to where such information is already collected:
- The list of labs maintained at MIT is here: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/labs/
- Ton Zylstra has initiated a MindMeister diagram of "all" Fab Labs (maintained by the community) here: http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show_public/12546135?password=FabLabNL
- On the Icelandic wiki there is a list at the bottom of the Main_Page which can be seen (and edited) here: Template:LabsBlock -- I'll include it below
- Also, Wikipedia's entry on Fab Labs carries a list of labs: wikipedia:Fab_lab#Lab_Locations
Labs | map | ||||
Africa | Europe | North America | ||
Asia |
South America
Further Reading
A list of near-random readings from the web on Fab Lab business model
- The Fab Fund presentation from Fab5: http://cba.mit.edu/events/09.08.FAB5/FabFund.pdf
- Chris Anderson's Wired article (Jan 2010), http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/01/ff_newrevolution/all/1, and the Gizmodo reply http://gizmodo.com/5457461/atoms-are-not-bits-wired-is-not-a-business-magazine
- the copy shop (Kinko's) analogy, e.g. http://www.sampablokuper.com/2010/04/19/commercially-copying-the-fab-lab/
- the "market of one": http://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200604/gershenfeld.cfm
- Hobbyist Knowing, thesis by Tanja Kotro, related paper: http://www.humantechnology.jyu.fi/articles/volume3/2007/kotro.pdf
- Cloud Fab: http://www.cloudfab.com/fab_facts/cloudfab
- the inventor model, e.g. http://wistechnology.com/articles/4908/, http://www.newnorthb2b.com/mar09cvrstry.html
- Eric Hunting ((ToolBook), on the ToolBook microcosm business idea: http://groups.google.com:80/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/57c91e1db7b877c8?pli=1
- Fab Labs have a health-club model: http://fussingwithstuff.com/2007/10/personal-fabrication-summit.html
- an interesting interaction on "Open Business Models"; 2 fundamentally different understandings of "open": http://listcultures.org/pipermail/p2presearch_listcultures.org/2009-March/001648.html
- a shapeways blog post on 3D printing:: http://www.shapeways.com/blog/archives/358-HP-3D-printing-PLASTIC-JAM-OPEN-INPUT-TRAYS.html
- Michel Bouwens on peer-to-peer manufacturing: http://www.masternewmedia.org/how-peer-production-and-economic-p2p-model-can-subvert-physical-production/ (on a horrible site)