FAB6 community fabfoo
Notes from the FAB6 community requirements fab foo session on 2010-08-18 in Amsterdam.
Abbreviations SIG - Special Interest Group
- internal to lab
- users
- volunteers
- staff, interns
- local SIGs
- external groups coming in to use the labs in an organized fashion (e.g., schools)
- currently within fablab community
- SIGs that cross fablabs (e.g., lab managers, electronics gurus)
- lab managers
- External to community
- general public
- funding/government agencies
- press
- allied organizations (makerspace, hackerspace)
- local to lab
- regional
- global
- virtual presence (e.g., polycom)
Type of communication
- One-way, static
- user profiles, user directories
- wiki
- syndication
- curated (e.g., "fabdot")
- non-curated streams
- static with limited feedback
- blogs with comments
- fabmoments with comments
- news
- two-way interactive
- 1 <-> 1
- instant messaging
- 1 -> N
- IRC chat
- mailing lists
- N <-> N
- forum discussions
- video discussion
- shared calendars
- 1 <-> 1
- re-sharing
- community sites (e.g., facebook)
- shared bookmarks
- distributed rating systems (e.g., digg)
- microblogging (e.g., twitter)
Dimensions of communication
- teacher to novice
- peer to peer
- async vs. sync
Concrete to-dos:
- Move fabhub forums to fabfolk
- pilot for sharing files/projects for sites that don't have web infrastructure (e.g., Fox Valley)
- Form fablab community special interest group (SIG)
- recruit members
- create spaces to communicate
- SIG forum
- mailing list for announcements
- near-time messaging
- workspace on fabwiki
- Make this (the notes written up here) available through our community tools (done!)
Notes were compiled from these three photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/quadshop/4920239584/in/set-72157624735690932/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/quadshop/4920239520/in/set-72157624735690932/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/quadshop/4919640703/in/set-72157624735690932/