Material suppliers

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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Taking the idea from the RepRap wiki, I think it's good to share these sort of informations (and maybe someday to make group orders for several FabLabs at a time).

If the reprap list is good for filament suppliers, we can have here others things like sheet materials, etc. each on a dedicated page or all on this one (at least for the beginning). --Emmanuel Gilloz 15:34, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

Sheets and flat material

Please keep the tables in alphabetical order.

Good to know : you may find local companies that will agree to give you their "wastes" for free (wasted material for them can still be 600 x 400 x 4 mm PMMA by example, pretty good for the laser... and did I forgot to say "for free" ?).

On the other hand, try to avoid general stores, except for wood/mdf they are usually expensive (e.g.: 100€/m² of PMMA).

Flat sheets
Vendor (with link) Shipping location Material(s) Approximate costs Review & Additional notes
Abaqueplast From France PMMA ? ?
Polydis From France PMMA
PS-choc, PE, PC
5€ - 550€ 500 x 500 mm to 2000 x 1000 mm, possible cut to order
2mm to 20mm think
transparent, color, translucent, diffusing
free shipping from 360€HT
Quinn-plastics From - PMMA ? ?
[Url Company_Name] From Country ABS, HDPE, PE, PLA, PP, PVC Cost Notes, Colors, etc.

Filament for 3d-printers (3mm and 1,75mm)

Below is a table listing suppliers of filament. Costs are only approximate and are likely to change. Always check before ordering, and if you can, update this page. If there are any missing fields in the table, please feel free to update.