Rhino how to convert mesh stl to outlined pdf

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Thingiverse Velociraptor project

Note: This work only if you have Rhino and Adobe acrobat Pro installed on your computer.

For this example I used the stl files from this Thingiverse project: Velociraptor 3D puzzle

1. Import the stl file.

Choose file > import. Selct the file from your computer and click on 'Open'.

2. Tweak the import dialog if nessasery and click 'Ok'.

3. Make sure the top view port is selected by clicking on it (once).

4. In the menu: Curve > Curve from objects > Mesh outline.

Do this while your obejects are selected (highlighted in yellow).

5. Delete the original shapes.

Go to Edit > Selected objects > Invert. Then hit the delete button from your keyboard.

6. Select all your lines: [ctrl] + [A]

Were now ready for exporting...

5. In the menu: File > Export selected ...

6. Save your file as a PDF format. (export geometry only).

7. In this dialog you can tweak the PDF export settings.

Like setting the linewidth to o.o1 mm

8. Confirm location for saving the PDF on your computer.

9. And wait for your PDF to be done.

Now your can open your PDF in a program like inkscape. And prepare the design if nessasery (like offsetting lines for the lasercutter etc.)

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