Furniture design class
Project date: February 2015
Designs made by: students from Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti
Teacher: Hugrún Þorsteinsdóttir
Course: Rýmishönnun FB
Designs made at: Fab Lab Reykjavík with the Shopbot PRSalpha 120x60.
Sif Alexandersdottir.
She designed the stool on here own, did the drawing in Sketch up (on her own) and milled it out in Fab lab Reykjavik.
Thank you for your assistance, she was very happy about the results.
Last work she did in the course was to designed a lamp that she made in the laser cutter. I think that was here first project in Fab lab.
Kristjan preparing his drawing for his chair. Now we will see if it fits?