Regarding to my master degree, my personnal project need a lot of electronic components to work. I use to study differents fields but the electronic and the code never yet. Everything must strat one day!
To explain my project I want:
A spectator controle the orientation of a pojector on 360° using his head. For that I want to use a gyroscopic component that takes into account this orientation included in the headphone he will wear by a servo.
The projector light on only when the spectator is under it and if he wears the headphone. For that I want to use two ultrasonic components that takes into account the distance that there is between it and an obstacle in front of it.
All of that would be managed by an Arduino card / code linked to my computer (I work with Windows pc).
The components
HC-SR05, Servo, Arduino UNO, HMC5883L
Arduino UNO starter kit.
HMC5883L gyroscopic component
HC-SR05 utrasonic mesuring component (X2 - head detector and presence detector)
Servomotor (360°)
The softwares
Fritzing - for shematics
Arduino code editor - To code
Before the final prject I must learn and create each part of what I want separatly. In this part you will see all of theme separatly.
Controling the servo with the Gyroscoic macgnetometer
With the HMC5883L library we can use the exemple included and download it to the arduino microprocessor. It will sent you the informations that the sensor HMC5883L calaculate. You can read theme by the serial monitor window.