Aurelie Pellegrino/Fablab Reykjavik/Laserprojects
Several settings for the same file
With a same fill you can do diiferents things with the laser cutter.
Do you want to try ? Ok let's go !
- Frist, you have to make your fill, or download this one :
- When your fill is ready, you can print it ! When you are in the blue window (the settings window) you can put a lot of differents settings. It allows you to have differents print results.
- You can see that in the fill, you have a full black star and red lines. When you have a black shape, the machine understand that you want to engrave and red lines (0.02mm) the machine understand that you want to cut.
- So in the blue window you have to put "combined", in fact with this fill you cut and engrave. So, you have to put the good settings of your material, and change some of this settings for differents results.
- You can also have differents results, if your fill have differents colors. In fact, for exemple you can have a star with blue contour lines and red line to cut. In this case, in the blue window, you have to go in "color mapping" and choose your colors. For each colors, you have to put the good settings, it depends on if you want to cut or engrave. And you can change the setting to have differents results.
Differents settings.
Yellow 600dpi.
Color mapping. From left to right, up to down: 50%S-10%P-500%F / 12%S-20%P-500%F / 12%S-10%P-500%F.
Yellow raster combined 600dpi.
Red raster combined 600 dpi.
Two black and yellow stars 600dpi.
Resolution changing. From left to right, up to down: 2x300dpi / 600dpi / 150dpi / 300dpi.