Physical resources

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
Revision as of 13:56, 17 August 2010 by Beau (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Physical resources''' for the MIT-FabLab in Lyngen can be defined as everything that can be a possibly used as source of energy to support the lab. Most commonly this energy is either u...)
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Physical resources for the MIT-FabLab in Lyngen can be defined as everything that can be a possibly used as source of energy to support the lab. Most commonly this energy is either used as a form of heat or is converted into electricity.


Wind resource measurement for the area are provided by two different sources. The fist is one of fourteen meta-level wind resource assessment comissioned for the link Norwegian Water and Energy Directoratefor Troms region in which Lyngen is situated in.