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Ómar Kristófersson project manager of Fab Lab Akranes.

Ómar is Construction Architect BS.c from Vitusbering Denmark and Master Carpenter from Tækniskólinn in Reykjavík

FAB Bootcamp 2011


The freestanding memorabilia was designed in inkscape and laser cut out of 3mm black Plexiglas in the epilog laser.


First was the circuit board selected.

caption Then I followed the instructions for the Modela to cut the board out. - Making circuit boards on Modela caption


When the circuit board was cut, I washed it with soap and water and dried it with paper towel. Next thing was to add the components described on the drawing of the hello.speaker.45 circuit board. I used pliers, soldering bolt and lamp with magnifying glass. After adding the components I tested the connections with a voltmeter. After testing the connections was the next step to find the right program and tune to download to the circuit. - AVR programming in Icelandic

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The 3D fly puzzle. I searched online for 3D puzzles and stumbled onto few websites about CNC and Laser cutting and found dxf files of some designs of different puzzles and downloaded then for a view, I found out that I could use few of the dxf designs, but I had to modify them to fit different types of material such as plexi glass or cardboard. I re sized the drawing for orange plexi glass and made it ready for cutting in the epilog laser, in the laser it took 56 minutes to cut and the mix and matching the parts together was a challenging fun due to there were no instructions how to put the parts together. The outcome was a large plexi glass fly :) Following links are the cnc websites I found the 3D puzzles in: - -

FAB LAB Akranes projects 2011

New 3D puzzles made from cardboard.

Guest from Educational center (Símenntunar miðstöð Vesturlands)

FAB LAB Akranes projects 2010

The following pictures are showing the few of the great number of interesting projects made in November and December 2010

First experiment of raster cutting natural rock from Hvalfjörður. One of many personalized cameras. Set of glass cups specially laser cut for Christmas. One of many personalized cellphones. First experiment of vector cutting natural rock from Hvalfjörður. Personalized pop tart cookie. Personalized vinyl record. Laser cut 3D puzzle scorpions made from Plexiglas and cardboard. Vinyl stickers made in the Roland cutter. Ice cream sticks marked for a special coworkers week. One of many personalized notebooks.

Group from the Innovation Center of Iceland visiting Fab Lab Akranes.

Links: Atmel AVR studio 4