Who was there
- Sherry (MIT)
- Lyndi/? - South Africa
- Beno/Karen - Lima, Peru
- Alain Craig - Illinois / National Center for Supercomputing (?)
- Luke - Illinois, USA
- Peter - South africa / NW uni
- Anu - Utrecht, Netherlands
- Tom - Kenya / Kisumu
Information gathering
Peter (NW South Africa)
- documentation mostly paper & pencil, they complete it in digitally to be worked with at the lab * >
- exchanging project information only with individual labs with whom there’s an existing relationship (by email / ?)
- website is being made and the designs will be there then
- Internet connectivity: not too bad
Shakisa(?) (South Africa)
- blog (A: which platform? )
- files stay local
- 3 months
- uploading pics = hard(slow)
- who documents?
- special projects
- writeup + pics
- hard to hear?
Tom Akite (Kenya)
- Aro FL - most remote & rural
- internet connection: satellite dish to connect to other labs (Polycom?)
- projects mostly done with the local community
- documenting
- if the project was successful or not
- local database to store the information
- database accessible at the library, that is available to everyone locally
- usual lab visitors: local community members, school dropouts and schoolgoing kids, highschool teachers
- college students’ final year projects, with assistance
- documentation language: English (as it’s the schooling language)
Abu (Ghana)
- lost connection
Karen/Benno (Lima, Peru)
- FabAcademy (wiki?)
- FabMoments not systematically used
- internet connection is allright enough
- website exists
- fabmoments not systematically used
- documentation language: spanish predominantly. Usually a mix of more basic documentation english and richer spanish version
- fabacademy context ?
? (Nairobi, Kenya?)
- who documents:
- MIT ? pictures & text content
- bandwidth / archival space * > problem = bandwidth (x?)
- documentation language: English (works for everybody, mostly)
- web presence besides fab academy?
Tom (Kenya)
- in the process of putting up a website * URL: (to come)
- website: web presence and documentation both are goals
- finding out about other Fablabs: through websites, fab academy (email entries), fabfolk (with hesitation)
General questions
Sherry: knowledge sharing that you are not getting?
- Peter: sharing files with specifically targeted labs, p2p relationships (via email)
Sherry remarks - two major needs:
1. project sharing (ie “FabMoments”) 2. I want a fablab too, how do I get one? etc
Tom (Kenya)
- documentation in fab academy / fabfolk site.
- For instance Mantis assembly process * following buildup on the writing = difficult. Mantis kits / instructions were sent out to 6 labs but nt enough information on the site to build it up.
Luke: Matter documentation documentation quality & details rather finding the documentation Sherry: People don’t have time to respond to in enough detail * > think how much detail needs to be made available (A: allowing for feedback loops * link to other resources * ask for more complete docs * …)
Who does the documentation?
Luke: Send picture and paragraph to lab manager to get documentation up Sherry: Seems to fall on the lab guru Lima: everyone does their own documentation Kenya: ? Lindy / Shupiso: lab personnel documents Peter: documentation for the students done by personnel Anu: lab visitors, Utrecht is usually too busy to have lab managers guide people through the documentation process. The documentation station is a solution we are trying out to this end
Follow-up questions
- which web platform are people using for web presence / documentation:
- content management system such as Drupal or Wordpress, Joomla, Mediawiki, other
- self-built website (e.g. with frameworks like Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Django (Python), Symfony (PHP), others
- some hosted solution (e.g. Ning <* used by Budapest Fablab for example, hosted Wordpress / other blog / anything else)
Other questions:
- ?