Fab Lab Association

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The International Fab Lab Association has been officially set up on July 4th, 2011.

Become a member now: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&hl=en_US&formkey=dE1fRUpVLXBNeE9TeURwSEl6NWtYN1E6MQ#gid=0

The official site of the Association is at http://fablabinternational.org

A little bit of history

(to prevent link rot)

General Meetings

Constitution (Articles) and other official documents


  1. The objects of the Association are:
    a. to promote and develop the concept and the philosophy behind: "Fab Labs" and to (have others) develop an international Fab Lab network;
    b. to unite professionals and (professional) practitioners worldwide and from various disciplines who are involved in and feel connected with the research into, the development of and giving workshops for digital fabrication (Fab Labs);
    c. to enable effective and efficient communication and cooperation between Fab Labs;
    d. to determine and maintain a clear definition of the term "Fab Lab" (the Fab Lab Charter), to create a "rite-de-passage" for new Fab Labs, and to manage and update a register in which Fab Labs are registered,
    e. to manage the Fab Lab trademark, name and logo;
    f. to represent the Fab Lab community;
    and furthermore to do all that which is either directly or indirectly connected with the above objects or may be conducive thereto, this in the broadest sense of the words used.
  2. As catalyst, Fab Lab International tries to stimulate the development, manner of operation and research of Fab Labs in the various areas of work, including without limitation social development work, education, small and middle-sized businesses and health care. This involves a wide range of research, consultancy, education and learning methods and techniques. The common denominator of all those methods is the digital fabrication.
  3. The Association shall endeavour to realise its objects by:
    a. closely following and spreading new developments in the field of digital fabrication;
    b. stimulating researchers and students to do structural research into digital fabrication;
    c. stimulating practitioners to fully utilise digital fabrication;
    d. stimulating scientists and (professional) practitioners to present and publish the results of their research of digital fabrication and share their findings and experiences;
    e. promoting and improving a good and proper use of digital fabrication, including the ethical aspects connected thereto;
    f. supporting scientists and (professional) practitioners in order to develop and increase their knowledge and skills in the field of digital fabrication;
    g. promoting the interdisciplinary and multicultural cooperation between scientists and (professional) practitioners,
    and furthermore using all other legal and legitimate means that are deemed useful or necessary for realising the objects set.


Initial Board Members of the Association were:

  • Pieter van der Hijden as Chairman
  • Peter Troxler as Secretary
  • Harmen Zijp as Treasurer
  • Klaas Hernamdt
  • Hiroya Tanaka
  • Sherry Lassiter

Earlier discussion has taken place here: Fab Lab Association Discussion