Introduction course FabLab Reykjavik

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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Menntun núna offers a free 3 sessions course in Fab Lab where we will show you all the possibilities within our Lab. We will make you familiar with designing in inkscape (a free design program), followed by laser cutting and / or vinyl cutting your design.

  • Course 1: Mon. 22.9, Wed. 24.9 & Frid. 26.9 at 13:00 - 16:00
  • Course 2: Tue. 23.9 & Thur. 25.9 at 18:00-21:00 & Sat. 27.9 at 09:00 - 12:00

Location: FabLab Reykjavík - Eddufelli 2, 111 Reykjavík.

For questions call: 567 5522

Session 1 - introduction day: welcome to the lab

Show & Tell, introduction to the possibilities in the lab. Demonstrating machine's & showcase different user projects.

Homework: think about a personal design, & if needed, prepare a simple sketch.

Session 2 - designing day: introduction to inkscape.

Walk trough inkscape, learn how to trace drawing & how to draw by hand, and how to edit shapes & text.

Before class: If you bring your own laptop, download & install inkscape.

Session 3 - the make day: working on the vinyl cutter and laser cutter.

Finish your design and learn / experiment with the lasercutter and the vinylcutter.

Documentation session 1

welcome to the lab

what is a fablab

  • currently running in iceland: Reykjavík, Vestmannaeyjar, Sauðárkrókur, Ísafjörður
  • new startup's: Fjarðabyggð, Hornafjörður
  • status currently unknown: Akranes, Keflavík


what can you do in a fablab (expectations)

how do you work in a fablab

  • talk on workflow fablab Reykjavik (groups and/or individual users)

fab charter (guideline of fablab's global)


  • talk on use of our materials
  • talk on documentation

Fab Academy - How To Make (almost) Anything.

  • Fab Lab Reykjavik can handle max 8 participants, sign up before December 2014.
  • Course runs from January to July 2015. Study time about 16 – 25 hours per week.

introduction group

  • names of everyone
  • background, career or field of interest ? (adding missing info to the list)
  • your expectations of this workshop session ?

show & tell - samples

coffee break

demonstrate machines

Making - Living - Sharing


  • think about a personal design, what would you like to make / learn ?
  • (& if possible) make a simple sketch on paper / prepare your idea.
  • (& if needed) bring in materials of your own for next session.

Documentation session 2

if you bring your own laptop: download & install inkscape via:

Usefull tutorials on inkscape

If you find more useful tips for inkscape, let us know. :) Email us or create a account on the wiki and and add it to our inkscape page.


talk walk trough, about options you see on the screen (toolbar etc.)

First practice on vinylcutter

  • talk on typing text + making a shape & union the letters.
  • then the prepare PDF (stroke & fill menu)

Cutting out your first sticker

Drawing in inkscape

how to trace bitmap

how to draw a basic shape

how to draw by hand

Practice by doing

  • answering individual questions.
  • Guide people with lasercutter, or do it yourself on vinylcutter.

Documentation session 3


  • repeat shortly the steps from last session. (union, difference, trace bitmap, break apart, drawing by hand)
  • repeat how to prepare PDF. (stroke & fill menu)
  • Answer questions.

Time to make stuff ...

Let people work on their own projects...

Inspiration links