Make a project
Project Godzilloscope
I'm making a digital oscilloscope using the STM32F4 Discovery microcontroller and a 320x240 LCD display. In order to ease my live while developing the device, I decided to make a bracket for these two devices to help keep them in one place and at the same time providing the feeling of an actual usable device being born. I used Reykjavík Fab Lab's 3d printer for this task, and I'm very thankful for the opportunity to get to use one of those.
Further development is in progress, and at some point in time I will want to make an PCB to hold all the user buttons and some components I intend to add.
I used the open source FreeCad for linux systems when drawing the brackets, it's a pretty neat software that provided all that I needed for this project at least. The drawings are shown here below.