Practicing press fit

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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Even though we were told about the usual problems newbies run into when making press fit joints, I still somehow managed to make a couple of classic mistakes. Well this has been my most successful way to learn just about anything. Make mistakes and find out how to fix them. This leads to a better understanding of a subject. Doesn't apply to things like for instance bungee jumping.

So with the confidence I build up through the first simple test I went all the way to a complete box design thinking it will work even though it was a different sort of joint. Well I cut all the pieces and ended up with a loose fit. I still don't know how I ended up doing that since I felt like I checked ten times that I have the measurements right. Well this is exactly what they warn you about here. Do a simple test to see if parts fit together before cutting the whole design. Well I simply made to more prints to get two boxes out of this.

I made two identical sides slightly bigger (0,4 mm) to fit with the opposite side pieces and the bottom piece. Then I made a fitting pair of sides and a bottom to the left over two sides. Was that hard enough to follow? Anyway simply said, I made more pieces to fit the loose parts I had cut first, to get two boxes.

Once again I stand corrected and had to learn from my own mistakes since I didn't have the patience to learn from other's. I am now more confident that I probably don't understand press fit joints as well as I think I do.