
From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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Global librarian – because libraries make communities smarter. Also: Consultant, International Speaker, Library Journal Mover & Shaker 2014, #23mobilethings developer, Dad, , Crowdfunder, Learner and Music listener. Based in Denmark, Europe.

I believe the best library is created by being globally inspired and transforming that inspiration into acting locally in your community. Libraries actively support learning in every thinkable way and facilitate sharing and development of knowledge. This is why FabLabs and libraries are a match made to last.

I am currently working with library development as Assistant Library Director at Guldborgsund Libraries and I am involved in global projects like #23mobilethings (a global library learning project that is available in 6 different languages). I recently finished a project about libraries and gamification and another project where libraries test if nudge theory is usable within our field. Currently I am working with a great team at Guldborgsund Public Library to build our new FabLab.

I speak at conferences and guest teach virtually and in person about learning and mobile technology, Innovation etc.

I am also a proud member of the library advocacy think tank Library Avengers.

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