User:Marla Schuetzenduebel
My name is Marla and I go to FNV in Sauðárkrókur. I am 15 years old. I am exchange people and come from germany.
Please tell us little bit about yourself (minimum 15 words).
Things I have done so far:
I have done a horse with a rider which a had found in Inscape. Then I created a halfring whitch helps the figur to stand. At least I laserd both formas and put them together.
To say more have I created many SCHRIFTZUEGE. Therefore I wrote the message in Inscape and HINZUFEUGEN flowers and motives and changed the SCHRIFTART.
DARUEBER HINAUS have I made more limits in form from animals, motives and VERSCHNOERKELUNGEN.
I had found this motiv from two tango-dancer. Than I set it in Inscape and HINZUFUEGEN flowers and VERSCHNOERKELUNGEN. At least I lasered it.
I have created this SCHLUESSELANHEANER, INDEM I found this pictuer from a KLEEBLAT, put it in Inscape and wrote my name in.
For this form I drew two stars in Inscape and set a SCHLITS in each one. Than I laserd them an put them together.