How to use the Epilog Laser Mini

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How to lasercut

If you want to vector cut, remember to have your Strokes 0.01 mm of thickness.

Print options

Here are the Epilogs printing options. Here you chose what resolution you want, if you want raster(engraving) or vector(deeper cuting) cuting. When you are going to adjust the speed, power and freq, options look in the manual for the best settings. Then you choose the piece size, this is the size that you want you picture to be, NOT the size of material that is going to be cut. You also will need to choose a focusing option. Auto focus is the easiest.

Color Mapping

When you use color mapping you can sett different options to different colors. To remove a color just mark it and hit the – button. To Add a color you hit the + button. You can also move the color up and down the list, the color that is at the top is the one that is going to get cut first. The speed, power and freq options works in the same way, as in the general options.

Things to watch out for

Before you start cutting, open the glass door and turn on the pointer. Then you click print. If the red dot hit one of the ruler you need to adjust the x an y.

  1. Press X/Y OFF
  2. Press GO to disable X and Y axis (Press STOP to cancel and send the carriage back to its Park position if you change your mind!)
  3. Move the lens assembly by hand to your desired location (remember to turn the Red Diode Pointer on as a visual locator aid)
  4. Press SET HOME to establish your new home position. After you have set home, pressing the RESET button will move the carriage to its park position a short distance (approx.1/2 inch (12 mm)) to the front of where you set home.
  5. Once you are finished with your temporary home position, and want to restore the carriage to the upper left corner of the machine, press the Set Home key and the Reset key simultaneously. Press the GO key and the carriage will move back and to the left to its normal upper left corner Park position.

Good to know

If you are making pressfit with acrylic on the laser it can be good to have extra 0,5 mm space so it will fit well together.


Fire safety

  1. NEVER let the Laser system operate if it will be unattended.
  2. KEEP the area around the machine clean and free of clutter, combustible materials, explosives, or volatile solvents such as acetone, alcohol, or gasoline.
  3. ALWAYS keep a properly maintained and inspected fire extinguisher on hand. Epilog recommends a Haltron fire extinguisher. Since it discharges a clean, easily removable substance that is not harmful to the mechanics or the wiring of the laser system.
  4. ALWAYS use air assist when vector cutting.
  5. BE CAREFUL many materials have the potential to suddenly burst into flames. Always monitor the machine when its operating.
  6. KEEP you laser system clean and free of debris. Regularly remove the vectorgrid to clean any small pieces that have fallen through the grid.

Laser safety.

  1. DO NOT disassemble the machine or remove any of its protective covers while the unit is plugged in.
  2. DO NOT attempt to defeat the door interlocks.
  3. DO NOT view directly into the beam of the laser diode pointer (red dot pointer).
  4. DO NOT operate the Laser Diode Pointer without the machine's focus lens in place. If the unfocused beam strikes a reflective surface, it could be directed out of the cabinet.

Electrical Safety

  1. DO NOT open any of the machine's access panels while the unit is plugged in. Opening a panel may expose the operator to the unit's AC input power.
  2. DO NOT make or break any electrical connections to the system while the units is turned on.

Material Engraving Vector Cutting 300 DPI engraving (speed/power) 400 DPI engraving (speed/power) 600 DPI engraving ((speed/power) Vector Cutting (speed/power/frequency)
Akryl (Plexiglass) X X 100/75 100/65 100/55 3mm – 12/100/5000
6mm – 5/100/5000
Anóðerað ál X 100/100 100/90 100/80 Ekki vektorskurður
Avonít (harðplast) X X 20/100 25/100 30/100 3mm – 20/100/5000
Rock X ? ? 25/100 Ekki vektorskurður
Corian (harðplast) X X 20/100 25/100 30/100 3mm – 20/100/5000
Delrin (harðplast) X X 100/70 100/60 100/50 3mm – 60/100/500
Dúkur X X ? ? ? ?
Flísar X ? ? ?
Glass X 25/100 30/100 35/100
Rubber X X 10/100 20/100 30/100 15/100/100
Toasted bread X ? ? 45/50
Hljúpaðir málmar X 15/100 20/100 25/100
Ceramic X ? 25/100 ?
Cork X X ? ? ? ?
Plywood X X ? ? ? ?
Leather X X 100/65 100/55 100/45 3mm – 35/50/500
Marmari X ? ? ?
Malaðir málmar X ? ? ?
Melamín (harðplast) X X 40/100 50/100 60/100 ?
Mylar (PET polyester) X X ? ? ? ? 75 dpi 1 speed,5 power
Paper X X ? ? ? 1 mm -40/50/500
Cardboard X X ? ? 80/40 40/90/2500
Plast ? X X 100/80 100/70 100/60 20/60/5000
Ryðfrítt stál X ? ? ?
Wood- Cherry – Alder - Walnut X X 30/100 35/100 40/100 3mm – 30/100/500
6mm – 7/100/500
Trefjagler X X ? ? ?

Useful links

Mini helix information