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Frosti Gíslason
Frosti Gíslason

Frosti Gíslason Project manager in Fab Lab Vestmannaeyjar and Innovation Center Iceland, Vestmannaeyjar

2013 Raspberry Pi

  • How to install flash player

Menntun núna

Fab Academy

Musical Orca

Fab Academy - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Business Models

Plan for distributing the final project. See more User:Frosti/Interactive_square#Distribution_plan

Fab Academy - Machine making

Machine making: See more user:frosti/Machine making

Fab Academy - Sensors, Actuators, and Displays

The original idea was to make Response board similar to Hello.step and connect that with speaker. After talking to Neil and the class I decided to make Theremin. See more user:frosti/Sensors, Actuators, and Displays

Fab Academy - 3D scanning and printing

Fab Academy - Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation, and Project Management Project

Fab Academy - Molding and Casting

See further information on user:frosti/Molding and Casting

  • Iceland 2 D
  • Heimaey 3 D
  • Icecube cup
  • Puffin

Fab Academy - Embedded programming Project

  • - read an AVR data sheet
  • - make serial and programming cables
  • - add (at least) a button to the serial echo hello-world board
  • - modify the serial echo assembly program to respond to the button
  • - modify the serial echo C program to respond to the board

To edit in inkscape Open Cam -> Select .png

Open Inkscape: File-> Import -> Open .png file Path -> Trace bitmap -> Brightness Cutoff - Update - OK

Fab Academy Make something big

Pressfit babychair What I learned Remember in pressfit counstructions, rembember corners. see project info: user:frosti/make something big

Fab Academy - Hello World project

I made Hello.light. Sensor and Hello.RGB board. see more:user:frosti/Hello World

Fab Academy - Pressfit

Pressfit Frosti

I made pressfit construction kit in Inkscape. See further information User:Frosti/Pressfit Using cardboard (width 2,5 mm).

Final project proposal - Interactive square

Concept Make interactive square behind our Fab Lab in the center of town Vestmannaeyjar. Have sensors around the square and respond on projector depending on peoples behavior. Make the square fun, interactive and educational about the islands, Fab projects and other innovation projects. user:frosti/Interactive square

<video type="youtube">D2-wL8jAxVI</video>

Final project proposal - Location system system for things at home and office.

Location system for homes and offices

Most things at home will be connected to the internet. The aim is to build system so that I can be able to locate any thing at home and office, including my glasses, wallet and remote control. And also to locate things at the office. The system will also be able to know what things I take out from the home and at what time and date. The system will be built on Internet Zero and RFID technology.

Self reproducing machine

Assignment 1
Assignment 1

Self reproducing machine Do-all tool for precisely cutting, carving, drilling or machining all kinds of things from all kinds of materials


  • 3 d additive
  • 3 d subtractive
  • rotating unit
  • 3 d scanner
  • Tool changer

Multi use:

  • Laser
  • Bit
  • Knive
  • Injection

Need to do better in these

Need to work better on these projects

Embedded programming assignment

  - read an AVR data sheet
  - make serial and programming cables
  - add (at least) a button to the serial echo hello-world board
  - modify the serial echo assembly program to respond to the button
  - modify the serial echo C program to respond to the button

--- molding? put together 2 pieces? ---


  build lab and personal pages in the class archive with your Fall work


  write a user interface for an input &/or output device
  contribute to tutorials in the class archive
  prepare a schedule for your final project



  build a network with at least two nodes