Fabacademy/machine making
We made Mantis 9,1:
Here are instructions and the second link is videos of step by step in making the Mantis 9,1
- http://makeyourbot.org/mantis9.1 (this site has also the design file and the build templates.)
- http://makeyourbot.org/mantis9-build (this has the videos you will need step by step in the making.)
We did have inventory.
Spindle making
- For the spindle making we used the low cost spindle 1.0 http://makeyourbot.org/low-cost-spindle-1-0
The 3 axis motor
- This is the motor we use for the 3axis sleds http://www.alltronics.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?item=24M014
Board making
- Triplestepper, controller [1]
ou'll need to make four different types of circuit boards:
- QTY 1 Fabnet Adaptor Board (076-000a) [2]
- QTY 1 Stepper Motor Controller (076-001) [3]
- QTY 1 H-Bridge (076-004) [4]
- QTY 3 D.Carr Driver Boards A3982-1.0 [5]
serialport = self.open_serial_port(fabnet_port, 38400, 0.2) -> serialport = self.open_serial_port(fabnet_port, 19200, 0.2)
Questions and thoughts
- How do we combine
- before making the spindle ->
- On the Fab Net, suggestion, to help debugging, it would be good to have leds on transmit and receive, to be able to see if we are transmitting information or not.