Fab lab management
Fab Lab management Fab 6
Work in process
- Academics
- Business
- Community
Lab Profile
- - Stand alone
- - Institutional
- - Community based
Main aspects
- - Infrastructure
- - Human capital - staff
- - Operation equipment
- - Program content
- - Safety (people and equipment)
- Payroll
- Building
- Heating
- Cooling
- Electricity
- Rent
- Taxes
- Insurance – property + personal injury
Finances / book-keeping Cleaning Telephone Internet PR Materials / Consumables Equipment maintenance and repair costs
How many people? Managers Instructors Researchers Volunteers Interns Technician Maintenance – Cleaning Personnel training (Initial and on going)
Peer-to-peer Boot camp Fab Academy Self training Other fab labs
Staff profile
Interpersonal skills Charismatic Enthusiastic Multifunctional Technical knowledge Previous experience (Computers, electronics, design, entrepreneurship) Creative Collaborative (ready to help and enjoy it) Reliable Good sales person Good teacher Hardware
- Equipment maintenance - Inventory - Repairing
- Licensing - Open source, free source, commercial - Upgrading - Cleaning - virus! - Backup - http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/fab/
Server installation, networked computers and machines Material management (inventory, ordering - suppliers, reuse, waste, optimization, nesting-efficient use) Security Scheduling Fund raising
Program development and coordination
- Faculty - Content - Operative aspects
Education and research
- Fab Academy - Global Bootcamp - Fab Lab Network projects - Local research and impact projects - Support to other programs - Open access
- Weekend workshops - Two week workshops - Boot Camp - 30min – 1hr demonstrations
- Priorities - Students - Clients
Documentation and diffusion
- Wiki - Web - Handbooks - Prove effectiveness (Statistics)
Communication and Networking
- Polycom - Web - e-mail - skype - Collaboration (File sharing, regional - global) - GIT and Bazaar - VNC
How to Schedule? Eventbrite, Calendar For different groups
Google Calendar or Google Spreadsheets First come -> first served How to handle machine time schedule?
Insurance / Safety
Safety and insurance for employees, volunteers, users, visitors
How to handle insurance?
Machine damage, or people damage
Enter at your own risk
What is a Fab Lab?
Global network of people who want to cooperate and share knowledge Fab Charter: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/charter/
How to make the Fab Lab sustainable? Fab Education? Fab Business?
Ideas of fundraising Fab Education? Fab Business? Funds from government Project based funding Private companies investors
Open access
How it works?
How to encourage instruction?
How to handle big groups?
How to organise and take larger groups to it.
Based on structure.
Start on a project, how to train, balance the time, design vs. Producing.
Teach a class
Training, good to have cameras and projectors
Vinyl cutter -> Laser -> Shopbot