
From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.

In addition to the Scratch Getting Started Guide etc that can be found under Scratch's support link (, There are a few picoboard specific ideas that have been documented by various Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn students. The students are never really into documenting their lessons so your mileage may vary with respect to how detailed things are, but here are a few links:

Musical Instrument lesson

Simple slider example

The ever-popular brick breaker example and others can be found by perusing:

The start of an example project:

The full example project:

The walkthrough document:

The teacher's note:

Pico Cricket

For ideas with the PICO Cricket -

Sites made during the old days of picocricket predecessors have some things-to-try pages on their sites (some are still relevant):