My first lasercutting work ever!

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
Revision as of 16:32, 12 October 2016 by Sannatuomosdottir (Talk | contribs)

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So here I am, in Reykjavik, getting use to working with the machines instead of knitting needles...

This is my first project with the laser cutter. First I designed the label with my name, simple picture and the logo of the FabLab.


My nametag designed by me with Inkscape.

I was testing few different way how to actually cut the images and text. Should I cut them all trough or maybe just the logo part... It was also good to try and fail, just for learning!


Getting there...


Laser on action!

For the last and final model I had to combine two different materials and three different colors... I survived! And so I was learning inlaying and offsetting!


They fit and they don't fall off.