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Preparation page for FAB6

From this page we will inform on the procedings of the planning and program of the FAB6 Conference.

Input from Fab Foo session - Friday Aug 21, 2009 - FAB5 - Pune, India

Tips, recommendations and ideas for FAB6

Much more and better use of videoconference

Haakon will talk to Avikom

Set up 'satellite conferences' in different places

With the use of the video conference system, more people can take part in the conference by moving data, not people.

Setting goals

What do we want to have achieved by the end (or at the beginning) of the conference? May be by setting up work groups preparing certain discussions prior to the conference.


Introducing FAB7 organizing committee to the organization of the conference, possibly by cooperating

Fab Foundation International

Advisory board to the conference More people should be invited to this board (Vicente, Stuart, Kipp, Dhananjay)

Date! Possibly one week earlier than FAB5

  • Tentatively this would mean: Aug 9 - 13, 2010

More diverse program; also for normal visitors and users to the labs

Fab Lab presentations

More time for the individual labs, maybe space to build up a presentation stand

Thematic subdivisions

  • Use themes. For example Arts, Engineering, Energy, Education etc etc
  • Chose 2 or 3
  • Use Tracks (e.g. Research, Tools, Software, People)
  • Use colors of logo to identify themes or tracks
  • Achieve more focus


More time to prepare Showcase the competition submissions during the conference

Time off

  • Organize time off for leisure, culture, shopping or other
  • People leave now and miss part of the conference
  • May use http://7scenes.com

More leisure in program

  • Cultural program from different countries
  • Fab Comedy show

Define target groups and their reason for coming:

Offer more diverse content

  • Lab Managers: networking, new projects, tips, new technologies
  • Researchers:
  • General public:
  • Regular visitors: easy access workshops
  • ...

Communication Center

  • Better services to contact home or office
  • Computers, wifi
  • Copier, fax

Facilitate networking

  • Distribute participants list
  • Ask participants for picture
  • Group picture
  • Use RFID tags, connected to website (http://mynameise.com ?)


This was very much appreciated in Pune:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Updated information of programme
  • Use downloadable/subscribable iCal calender for program

===Use students/volunteers as guides/interpreters Also from good experience in Pune

Share planning and preparation

Use the community to organize the conference!

Connect to Maker Fair

And other communities like hackers etc

Stream and store all content

Write manuals

  • During the conference or before (e.g. during bootcamp), with format that Adam Hyde uses (http://en.flossmanuals.net)
  • This could be used for Fab Press

Organize a battle

With the network of NL Fab Labs, create a 'battle' or 'Olympiad', culminating to the end of the week

Get Press Coverage