User:Frosti/Hello World
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Fab Academy - Hello World project
I made Hello.light. Sensor and Hello.RGB board.
Things that I have learned.
- It's very important to turn things rightly.
- Remember that on microcontroler that 1 is where the dot is.
- About resistors, you should notice the difference between 10 Ohm and 10.000 Ohm.
Problems not solved yet, 2009-11-11.
- RGB Chip is not working properly.
- Program has been installed but it doesn't work properly
Programming the board in Windows
- Open AVR studio.
- Select New Project -> Project Name -> Atmel AVR Studio
- Select Atiny44 Next ->Finish
- Copy paste .asm code into the project
- Build -> Build and Run
Connect programming cable and serial cable.
Copy the .hex file into avrdude folder on C:\
- Open cmd
- tiny44 load hex file: avrdude -p t44 -c bsd -U flash:w:file.hex
- tiny44 use 20 MHz xtal: avrdude -p t44 -c bsd -U lfuse:w:0x7E:m
- can't open device giveio
- Load the driver using: loaddrv.exe
- open avrdude in cmd and write: loaddrv start giveio
(then it says: starting giveio..... ok.)
In Ubuntu I made hello.Step45.MTA.cad board
- Turn .asm file to .hex file
- open terminal go to the same location as the .asm file, write gavrasm filename.asm and press enter.
Programming hello.step45 board in Ubuntu frosti@frosti:~/Desktop$ avrdude -p t45 -P /dev/ttyS0 -c dasa -U flash:w:hello.step.45.hex
- Connect the programming cable
- open terminal go to the same location as the .hex file
- Problem I could not program, because it seemed to lack energy.
I connected battery cable to the 4 pin +, - to the ground part.
- Then I could program it using right cable and writing the lines above.
- Next step was to get program working so I downloaded
- Then I opened the terminal and wrote frosti@frosti:~/Desktop$ python /dev/ttyS0 and press enter
- Yes belive it or not it works
Serial cable
serial header plug <-> DB9F cable (wire side view):
plug DB9 GND (1) ------------- 5 -- DTR (2) --- cable --- 4 -- Tx (3) - direction - 3 Rx (4) ------------- 2
plug 4 3 2 1 DCD Rx Tx DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI DB9 1 2 3 4 5 DB9 6 7 8 9