GuRa design

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Project date: September 2014

Design made by: Guðbjörg

Design made at: FabLab Reykjavík with the vinylcutter.

This is my first project, making a 'my little pony' sticker with the vinyl cutter. I am learning to work with inkscape. Making a pony sticker for my daughter. I found it a little bit challenging, but very fun! And she is happy with the result.

We started with this image: Pony.jpg and followed the tutorial from: Inkscape quick start guide.

Download the design file: File:sticker-design-pony.pdf and File:pony-eye.pdf

When preparing the sticker, I found out that I made a mistake in drawing the eye. To fix this I removed the eye from the cut out sticker and replaced it with a new one.

Pony-project-1.jpg Pony-project-2.jpg