Turner's Cube

From Fab Lab Wiki - by NMÍ Kvikan
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One of the projects along the way was to create something of a Turner's Cube with smaller snap fit boxes within boxes, and changing patterns on each layer to create a layered image.

In the end I didn't manage to finish this project properly, but did end up with a box of two layers.

Original idea was to have these two layers repeating around the cube's sides:

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

In the last minute panic to finish everything, I didn't quite get the snap fit right, but this is the end result nonetheless:

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

The second layer snap fit only snapped and fit partially, and in the end I just cut off a few sides of the tabs to make the cube fit. Not like you can see that with the larger box covering it anyway :P If anyone wants to fiddle around with the files, I'll include the pdf here:

