User:Francesco bombardi

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Francesco Bombardi (born in Forlì – Italy – in 1972) lives in Reggio Emilia (a city with 170,000 inhabitants, located between Bologna and Milan) where he is one of the founding members and managing partners of BBstudio ( Amongst many, he has just finished a project for the National Park of the Apennines (named “New Doors”) and he is currently prototyping an experimental temporary housing unit for the Italian Environmental Ministry He has a professional curiosity in spaces, people and technologies. He loves travelling and loves all the expressions and dimensions that travelling offers. He is particularly interested in exploring innovative processes aimed at creating new ideas of governance. Having already lived and worked in big cities like Milan, Barcelona, Paris, he chose a small Italian city where he is able to test directly (on foot) the quality of the space with respect to human relations (and from where he can drive both to the Alps and to the sea in around only 2 hours ..). He likes switching from global to local and vice versa. He is researching and teaching at the Politecnico di Milano, participating at international workshops, conferences and competitions. He likes observing the world through the eyes of his young daughters Aurora and Mariasole. After he met Bas Van Abel at Fab Lab Amsterdam and Enrico Bassi Fab Lab Torino he is triyng to take Fab Lab in Reggio Emilia and some other cities along the old roman Via Emilia.

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